Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events

ZOOM – shorts and doc film night


Film event ZOOM short and doc film NIGHT 2014 is a regional and  international film initiative in Tirana focused on presentations of newest international short and documentary film productions to wide Tirana audiences at art venue TIRANA EKSPRES>>> ZOOM short and doc film NIGHT 2014 will present a selection of newest short and documentary films of different styles and approaches from young film directors from many different countries and the programming represents a glimpse into the current, mostly independent and non – commercial international filmmaking. Final programming includes newest international short and documentary film productions from different countries with special focus on Norwegian and Swedish filmmakers in the upcoming April edition of ZOOM film event in Tirana. All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles. Production of ZOOM short and doc film NIGHT 2014 is being organized and coordinated by European short film festival Ljubljana International Short Film Festival >< (Slovenia) which is annually and continually presenting young European and Balkan cinema in Ljubljana (Slovenia) as well as other countries and cities in Europe, including now also Tirana. Entrance to all screenings is free>>>

Download PROGRAM as pdf file here >>>


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


Saturday 12th April, 20.00: Students from the Akademia Hollywood will perform live-unplugged on Tirana Ekspres stage! Don’t miss!

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


skeptoThursday, April 10th, 19.00: Tirana Ekspres has the pleasure to be again partner of SKEPTO International Film Festival’s 5th edition and dedicate one evening to the best SKEPO short-films! Don’t miss!

These movies are on display tonight:

Tryouts – 14′ – Spain, U.S.A.
The sunshine egg – 6′ – Germany
More than two hours – 15′ – Iran
Debtfools – 9′ – Greece, Spain
The radar – 18′ – France
Hollow Land – 14′ – Canada, Denmark, France
Rabbit and Deer – 16′ – Hungary
Rosemary Jane – 17′ – U.K.

Please find more details here:

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


Tuesday 8th April, 19.30: A very long engagement (by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 133 min) France, during World War One. Young woman Mathilde desperately search for her fiancé who might have been killed in the battle. She investigates what actually took place on the battlefield. Along the way she discovers the heights and depths of the human soul. Trailer: — What is the month of April known for? In Tirana Ekspres we are going to present this month with different stories about: youth and ageing, passion against routine, careless vs. obsession.

It’s all about love!

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events, Visual Arts


psychedelic gardenSaturday, 29th March 2014, 22.30: Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) will open its doors to the Dreamgarden APC (Albanian Psychedelic Community) for the Psychedelic Spring edition 2014.

It will be a pre-gathering of the energies before we hit the fun at Vooscoop Open Air Festival Water Element-Fourth Edition that will be on the 24-27 July in Voskopoja’s best nature location.

Dj’s performing tonight:
Space Rock – Dreamgarden APC – Alb
Adee ૐ Jay – Dreamgarden APC – Alb
Pipi – Dreamgarden APC – Alb

and with participation of two honored guests:
Elastik/Astraveta – Psyks & Phototropic Records – Ks
Balliou – Harmonia Records – Greece

Special Video Art by Play on – Alb

Deco by Dreamgarden Psy

Support our artists with a minimum entry fee: 500Lek includuing a free drink.

See ya all face painted on the dance floor!!! Don´t miss out!

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


projeto saravaLIVE CONCERT: Projeto Saravia (Brasil)
1st April 2014, 21.00 @ Tirana Ekspres

This is not an April Fool – this month starts with a musical blast with Projeto Sarava from Brasil – who come to Albania exclusively to perform on our stage after attending a festival in Thessaloniki.

Founded in 2008 by young musicians living in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil), Projeto Saravia’s music is spiced by Brasilian sounds and rhythms, it features original compositions and contemporary interpretations of popular music genres.

Their music is created by the original “manufacture” of the compositions of the group members.  Both lyrical and instrumental parts are flavoured with Samba, Choro, Frevo , Coco and Baiao.  Moreover, Projecto Saravia is inspired by other Brasilan musicians at national and local level.

Entry : 200 LEK

(This is a contribution for the artists who have expenses that must be covered.)

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Theater

World Theatre Day

world theatre day March 27th is internationally dedicated to THEATRE! Join us for the World Theatre Day at Tirana Ekspres, starting from 17:45 with a scenic lecture of “Tërmeti” by Oltion Kadaifçiut.

Please find more info in the Albanian version of this post. Thank you!

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


movie nights_poster march_rebellionIn March, our Movie Nights are dedicated to the topic of REBELLION – people in Ukraine or Turkey, in Syria or Albania are raising their voices for their rights, against opression, for democratic values and self-determination.

The name of March comes form the god “Mars” and the ancient Romans thought that it was a lucky time to begin a war. In Tirana Ekspres we believe that every Tuesday in March will be the right time to start a Rebellion! We are going to present movies which deal with that topic in a different way – they will make you happy or sad, disgusted or enchanted, confused or fascinated… But they will never leave you indifferent!

Tuesday, 4th March, 19:30

Malcolm X (by Spike Lee, 201 min)

Malcolm X was the famous and controversial African American activist. Leader in the struggle for black liberation as well as black pride, one of the most outspoken individuals who had a different side of the civil rights movement in America. Biographical epic from his early life as a small-time gangster, to his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam and his assassination.


Tuesday, 11th March, 19:30:

A Clockwork Orange (by Stanley Kubrick, 136 min)

London, England in the foreseeable future. Alex is a charismatic sociopath whose interests include classical music,  rape, and what is termed “ultra-violence”. He leads a small gang of thugs (Pete, Georgie, and Dim).As with all luck, his eventually runs out and he’s arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in prison, Alex learns of an experimental program in which convicts are programed to detest violence. Based on Anthony Burgess’s novel. “Frightening. Funny. Bizarre.”


Tuesday, 18th March, 19:30:

Dogville (by  Lars Von Trier, 177 min)

America, during the 1930s. On the run from the gangsters, Grace arrives in the small town of Dogville. Locals agree to host and protect her during two weeks before deciding if she can stay longer. All they ask in return is a little help with the chores around the town.  After certain time, townspeople start to take advantage of Grace’s situation, as they realize how much power they have over her… “Arrogant, disturbing, though-provoking.”


Tuesday, 25th March, 19.30:

Rebellion. The time is now!

1.     Occupations (by Lars Von Trier, 3 min)

Lars Von Trier is an unpredictable director, who throughout his career has been labeled a misogynist, a nightmare and a soul robber by some of his actors… What would happen if you interrupted Lars von Trier during a movie?

2.     World of glory (by Roy Andersson, 14 min)

An ordinary man tells about his work, his family and ordinary home. He lives proudly his cheerless an dull life…

3.     Yokoku (Patriorism) (by Yukio Mishima, 30 min)

A story of a soldier who has to commit suicide after a failed coup. A silent, black-and-white film with long intertitles elaborating on the story and its historical background.

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