Culture, Past Events, Visual Arts


ARTISTS IN RESIDENCETirana Ekspres in collaboration with Tirana Institute for Contemporary Art (T.I.C.A) will host today the final exhibition of the programme artists in residence. The works of the following artists will be showcased:

Vahida RAMUJKIC from Serbia
Armando LULAJ from Albania
Astrit ISMAILI from Kosova

Following up a DJ SET by MiniMim. Don’t miss out!ARTISTS IN RESIDENCETirana Ekspres in collaboration with Tirana Institute for Contemporary Art (T.I.C.A) will host today the final exhibition of the programme artists in residence. The works of the following artists will be showcased:

Vahida RAMUJKIC from Serbia
Armando LULAJ from Albania
Astrit ISMAILI from Kosova

Following up a DJ SET by MiniMim. Don’t miss out!

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Culture, Movie, Past Events


WEDTirana Ekspres together with the USA embassy in Tirana will organize the screening of the two times winner of the Academy Award documentary film titled “An inconvenient truth”. This event is organized on the world environment day. Please find the description of the documentary below.


An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore’s campaign to educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has given more than a thousand times.Premiering at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opening in New York City and Los Angeles on May 24, 2006, the documentary was a critical and box-office success, winning 2 Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song. The film earned $49 million at the box office worldwide, becoming the sixth-highest-grossing documentary film to date in the United States. The idea to document his efforts came from producer Laurie David who saw his presentation at a town-hall meeting on global warming which coincided with the opening ofThe Day After Tomorrow. David was so inspired by Gore’s slide show that she, with producer Lawrence Bender, met with Guggenheim to adapt the presentation into a film.Since the film’s release, An Inconvenient Truth has been credited for raising international public awareness of climate change and reenergizing the environmental movement. The documentary has also been included in science curricula in schools around the world, which has spurred some controversy.


An Inconvenient Truth focuses on Al Gore and on his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severity of the climate crisis. Gore says, “I’ve been trying to tell this story for a long time and I feel as if I’ve failed to get the message across.” The film documents a Keynote presentation (which Gore refers to as “the slide show”) that Gore has presented throughout the world. It intersperses Gore’s exploration of data and predictions regarding climate change and its potential for disaster with his own life story.The former vice president opens the film by greeting an audience with a joke: “I am Al Gore; I used to be the next President of the United States.” Gore then begins his slide show on climate change; a comprehensive presentation replete with detailed graphs, flow charts and stark visuals. Gore shows off several majestic photographs of the Earth taken from multiple space missions, Earthrise andThe Blue Marble. Gore notes that these photos dramatically transformed the way we see the Earth, helping spark modern environmentalism.Following this, Gore shares anecdotes that inspired his interest in the issue, including his college education with early climate expertRoger Revelle at Harvard University, his sister’s death from lung cancer and his young son’s near-fatal car accident. Gore recalls a story from his grade-school years, where a fellow student asked his geography teacher about continental drift; in response, the teacher called the concept the “most ridiculous thing [he’d] ever heard.” Gore ties this conclusion to the assumption that “the Earth is so big, we can’t possibly have any lasting, harmful impact on the Earth’s environment.” For comic effect, Gore uses a clip from the Futurama episode “Crimes of the Hot” to describe the greenhouse effect. Gore refers to his loss to George W. Bush in the 2000 United States presidential election as a “hard blow” yet one which subsequently “brought into clear focus, the mission [he] had been pursuing for all these years.”The Pale Blue Dot, a Voyager 1 photo showing Earth (circled) as a single pixel from 4 billion miles (6.4 billion kilometres) away, is featured in the film. Al Gore points out that all of human history has happened on that tiny pixel, which is our only home.Throughout the movie, Gore discusses the scientific opinion on climate change, as well as the present and future effects of global warming and stresses that climate change “is really not a political issue, so much as a moral one”, describing the consequences he believes global climate change will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced in the very near future. Gore also presents Antarctic ice coring data showing CO2 levels higher now than in the past 650,000 years.The film includes segments intended to refute critics who say that global warming is unproven or that warming will be insignificant. For example, Gore discusses the possibility of the collapse of a major ice sheet in Greenland or in West Antarctica, either of which could raise global sea levels by approximately 20 feet, flooding coastal areas and producing 100 million refugees. Melt water from Greenland, because of its lower salinity, could then halt the currents that keep northern Europe warm and quickly trigger dramatic local cooling there. It also contains various short animated projections of what could happen to different animals more vulnerable to climate change.The documentary ends with Gore arguing that if appropriate actions are taken soon, the effects of global warming can be successfully reversed by releasing less CO2 and planting more vegetation to consume existing CO2. Gore calls upon his viewers to learn how they can help him in these efforts. Gore concludes the film by saying:”Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource.” During the film’s end credits, a diaporama pops up on screen suggesting to viewers things at home they can do to combat climate change, including “recycle”, “speak up in your community”, “try to buy a hybrid vehicle” and “encourage everyone you know to watch this movie.” Gore’s book of the same title was published concurrently with the theatrical release of the documentary. The book contains additional information, scientific analysis, and Gore’s commentary on the issues presented in the documentary. A 2007 documentary entitledAn Update with Former Vice President Al Gore features Gore discussing additional information that came to light after the film was completed, such as Hurricane Katrina, coral reef depletion, glacial earthquake activity on the Greenland ice sheet, wildfires, and trapped methane gas release associated with permafrost melting.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


MARRACASH ORCHESTRATirana Ekspres is pleased to announce the arrival of Marracash Orchestra.

Marracash Orchestra celebrate an outrageous blend of musical styles. The german sextet mixes Dub, Punk, Drum ‘n’ Bass, Hip Hop and more to shape an incomparable new sound.
Marracash Orchestra present a fresh, unique show that breaks all rules. Don’t miss them out!

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Culture, Movie, Past Events


ONCE UPON A TIMEWhen we watch a good film, something extraordinary happens. We become so involved with what’s going on that we feel we are living the story ourselves. Films enchant, terrify and inspire us, yet their visual storytelling techniques are not a modern phenomenon; in fact, they go back to the ancient past. But how did film really get its ability to transport us to other worlds? Where did the ingredients of visual storytelling come from?

The first story ever written is four thousand years old, and tells the tale of Gilgamesh, the legendary lion-killing king who is the world’s first action hero.

The story of Gilgamesh was well known throughout the Middle East. In about 645 BC, King Ashurbanipal of Assyria sought to promote himself by capitalizing on the hero’s power and glamour. Knowing full well that few of his subjects could read, Ashurbanipal came up with a groundbreaking solution. He departed from a story told in words and devised a story told in pictures with himself playing the lead role instead of Gilgamesh. His sculptors created a series of freeze frames in stone depicting Ashurbanipal as the slayer of lions, and placed them around his throne room.

Ashurbanipal then went on to create what is probably the world’s first complete visual story, an epic blockbuster with a cast of thousands. The story told of his war with his enemies, the Elamites, and used a visual storytelling technique that had never been seen before – a complex tale that unfolded over many scenes. Not only did it have a beginning, middle and an end, it also had subplots that made the whole story more intriguing. In the end, however, though the freezes are filled with blood and violence, there is no real rage, tears, or emotion. The story is as cold as the stone it is engraved on, making it hard to feel engaged with these characters.

This story is unique in that it’s the first narrative to exploit the universal human desire for a hero. But just having a hero in words is not enough. Unfortunately, it was hard to get emotionally involved in the tale.

It took the Greeks to come up with a visual storytelling style that made you really care; that had psychologically credible characters. The Greeks had a rich tradition of evocative storytelling, and there was one epic story they loved to visualize above all others – Homer’s tale of Odysseus. On the coastline of Sperlonga in Southern Italy, Greek artist converted an enormous cave into a dinning room where guests would sit amongst enormous sculptures and be fed and entertained with stories. The sculptures where not there just for ornamentation, but rather to help visualize the storytelling. One giant sculpture illustrated an incident in the dramatic story of Odysseus’ encounter with the Cyclops, where Odysseus and his men are driving a wooden stake into the Cyclops’ single eye. The sculptors have chosen to show the moment of maximum tension – right before the spear went into the single eye – because it is at this moment that the character’s emotions are the most revealing. And by depicting realistic emotions, this is no longer a story that just tells you what happened, but how it happened. It has psychological motivation. It shows you what people are feeling and marks a crucial step in the history of visual story telling.

The Romans took storytelling one-step further; they combined the three elements of a strong heroic lead, a gripping storyline, and emotionally involving characters into a single visual narrative. Trajan’s Column in Rome (see Storytelling Interactive) is perhaps the best example of this type of visual communication.

In the end, however, as impressive as the column may be, it’s still missing something – it still lacks the power to captivate. But this missing piece can be found in the non-classical civilization of the Australian Aborigines, whose storytelling combines the visual, as well as music and singing. The images that most Aboriginal artists paint today are the same images that were painted on rock walls thousands of years ago. The Barramundi fish, Yingarna, the Earth Mother, the Rainbow Serpent – these are paintings that each tell a unique story. However, the Aboriginal artist doesn’t paint a sequence of images as if outlining the plot of a story. Instead, they use single stylized images to trigger in the mind of the onlooker stories they already know. But the use of a single image is only one part of their storytelling secret. These artists also use music, song and dance to enveloped their audience in a full multimedia experience designed to stimulate not only the eyes, but the ears as well. This soundtrack, then, is what has given Aboriginal stories the power to survive for thousands of years. It is this soundtrack that provides the power for the Aboriginal story to have survived thousands of years, and which is so critical to the success of modern film’s ability to transport us into other worlds.ONCE UPON A TIMEWhen we watch a good film, something extraordinary happens. We become so involved with what’s going on that we feel we are living the story ourselves. Films enchant, terrify and inspire us, yet their visual storytelling techniques are not a modern phenomenon; in fact, they go back to the ancient past. But how did film really get its ability to transport us to other worlds? Where did the ingredients of visual storytelling come from?

The first story ever written is four thousand years old, and tells the tale of Gilgamesh, the legendary lion-killing king who is the world’s first action hero.

The story of Gilgamesh was well known throughout the Middle East. In about 645 BC, King Ashurbanipal of Assyria sought to promote himself by capitalizing on the hero’s power and glamour. Knowing full well that few of his subjects could read, Ashurbanipal came up with a groundbreaking solution. He departed from a story told in words and devised a story told in pictures with himself playing the lead role instead of Gilgamesh. His sculptors created a series of freeze frames in stone depicting Ashurbanipal as the slayer of lions, and placed them around his throne room.

Ashurbanipal then went on to create what is probably the world’s first complete visual story, an epic blockbuster with a cast of thousands. The story told of his war with his enemies, the Elamites, and used a visual storytelling technique that had never been seen before – a complex tale that unfolded over many scenes. Not only did it have a beginning, middle and an end, it also had subplots that made the whole story more intriguing. In the end, however, though the freezes are filled with blood and violence, there is no real rage, tears, or emotion. The story is as cold as the stone it is engraved on, making it hard to feel engaged with these characters.

This story is unique in that it’s the first narrative to exploit the universal human desire for a hero. But just having a hero in words is not enough. Unfortunately, it was hard to get emotionally involved in the tale.

It took the Greeks to come up with a visual storytelling style that made you really care; that had psychologically credible characters. The Greeks had a rich tradition of evocative storytelling, and there was one epic story they loved to visualize above all others – Homer’s tale of Odysseus. On the coastline of Sperlonga in Southern Italy, Greek artist converted an enormous cave into a dinning room where guests would sit amongst enormous sculptures and be fed and entertained with stories. The sculptures where not there just for ornamentation, but rather to help visualize the storytelling. One giant sculpture illustrated an incident in the dramatic story of Odysseus’ encounter with the Cyclops, where Odysseus and his men are driving a wooden stake into the Cyclops’ single eye. The sculptors have chosen to show the moment of maximum tension – right before the spear went into the single eye – because it is at this moment that the character’s emotions are the most revealing. And by depicting realistic emotions, this is no longer a story that just tells you what happened, but how it happened. It has psychological motivation. It shows you what people are feeling and marks a crucial step in the history of visual story telling.

The Romans took storytelling one-step further; they combined the three elements of a strong heroic lead, a gripping storyline, and emotionally involving characters into a single visual narrative. Trajan’s Column in Rome (see Storytelling Interactive) is perhaps the best example of this type of visual communication.

In the end, however, as impressive as the column may be, it’s still missing something – it still lacks the power to captivate. But this missing piece can be found in the non-classical civilization of the Australian Aborigines, whose storytelling combines the visual, as well as music and singing. The images that most Aboriginal artists paint today are the same images that were painted on rock walls thousands of years ago. The Barramundi fish, Yingarna, the Earth Mother, the Rainbow Serpent – these are paintings that each tell a unique story. However, the Aboriginal artist doesn’t paint a sequence of images as if outlining the plot of a story. Instead, they use single stylized images to trigger in the mind of the onlooker stories they already know. But the use of a single image is only one part of their storytelling secret. These artists also use music, song and dance to enveloped their audience in a full multimedia experience designed to stimulate not only the eyes, but the ears as well. This soundtrack, then, is what has given Aboriginal stories the power to survive for thousands of years. It is this soundtrack that provides the power for the Aboriginal story to have survived thousands of years, and which is so critical to the success of modern film’s ability to transport us into other worlds.

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Culture, Movie, Past Events


TO DEATH AND BACKIn our daily lives, we are bombarded constantly by images. But there is one image whose power over us is strangely mesmerizing. It terrifies and yet reassures us — it is the image of death. We build grave yards, and we even carry pictures of the dead. But why? What makes us surround ourselves with constant reminders of death? Experts think this preoccupation is rooted in the human mind; unlike animals, humans understand the inevitability of their own death and in fact can imagine a world in which we are no longer alive.

It was in the famous Holy Land city of Jericho, 9,000 years ago, that archeologist believed people first surrounded themselves with images of death. The so-called “Jericho Skulls” were human skulls decorated as portraits of the deceased, and prominently kept in people’s houses. It was reasoned if an ancestor’s memory lived on through these skulls, so, one day, would theirs. And for the living, this provided comfort. But there are other images of death that are the opposite of reassurance.

The Moche civilization of Northern Peru excelled at performing horrific acts of sacrifice and then creating images of them in their temples. Theirs was not art as fantasy, it was art as documentary. But the Moche were not alone. The Aztecs of Mexico City also performed human sacrifice – but on a colossal scale, literally slaughtering captives by the mile. They even went so far as to create walls of human skulls, that were designed to frighten and drive people into supporting their values.

On the other hand, the Etruscans, in 400 BC Italy, were the first to bring together images of death that both reassured and terrified. The underworld Blue Demon, and happy afterlife pictures painted on Etruscan tombs, offered Etruscan warriors fighting the Romans a stark choice—’would you be damned or saved?’ For the first time in history these conflicting images had been combined, and by doing so the Etruscans had invented a new and powerful image — the image of redemption.

As seen on DEATH AND BACKIn our daily lives, we are bombarded constantly by images. But there is one image whose power over us is strangely mesmerizing. It terrifies and yet reassures us — it is the image of death. We build grave yards, and we even carry pictures of the dead. But why? What makes us surround ourselves with constant reminders of death? Experts think this preoccupation is rooted in the human mind; unlike animals, humans understand the inevitability of their own death and in fact can imagine a world in which we are no longer alive.

It was in the famous Holy Land city of Jericho, 9,000 years ago, that archeologist believed people first surrounded themselves with images of death. The so-called “Jericho Skulls” were human skulls decorated as portraits of the deceased, and prominently kept in people’s houses. It was reasoned if an ancestor’s memory lived on through these skulls, so, one day, would theirs. And for the living, this provided comfort. But there are other images of death that are the opposite of reassurance.

The Moche civilization of Northern Peru excelled at performing horrific acts of sacrifice and then creating images of them in their temples. Theirs was not art as fantasy, it was art as documentary. But the Moche were not alone. The Aztecs of Mexico City also performed human sacrifice – but on a colossal scale, literally slaughtering captives by the mile. They even went so far as to create walls of human skulls, that were designed to frighten and drive people into supporting their values.

On the other hand, the Etruscans, in 400 BC Italy, were the first to bring together images of death that both reassured and terrified. The underworld Blue Demon, and happy afterlife pictures painted on Etruscan tombs, offered Etruscan warriors fighting the Romans a stark choice—’would you be damned or saved?’ For the first time in history these conflicting images had been combined, and by doing so the Etruscans had invented a new and powerful image — the image of redemption.

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Culture, Music, Past Events



Dj Upset & Dj Weed are both French and they are in Albania for the occasion of the Hip-Hop Festival. They have come from France together with the current European Champions of Brake-Dance and Graffiti Show. Follow up the event on the Tirana Ekspres’s outdoor stage.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


BARRIO POPULOBarrio Populo keeps the journey on; More than 150 concerts in two years all over France and elsewhere (Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, United Kingdom) and is not about to stop… The musicians organize themselves in the most independent fashion around this project to make it grow. They all live in the same house in the countryside and try to live an alternative and autonomous life. Barrio Populo suggests desorder as a necessity and preludes the build up of another kind of thinking. This crazyness, this utopia chasing, this love of freedom sweats in their music, it’s their weapon, their discourse, their message, Let’s listen to “Desorder” rather than talk about it because we would miss the point!

While on stage, Barrio Populo came accross : Le Peuple de l’Herbe, Têtes Raides, Dub Inc, Che Sudaka, Raggasonic, Amazigh, Les Blérots de Ravel, LoGre, Oaï Star, Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs, Sinsemilia, Broussaï, Deportivo, As de Trèfle, La Mine de Rien, Les Tit’s Nassels, Les Caméléons, Mon Côté Punk, Les Fatals Picards, Puggy, Brain Damage, The Elderberries, Les Hurlements d’Léo and others…

They are in Albania now and will be playing at the outdoor concert space, Karl Gega st., you know the place :). Don’t miss out!

Find out more about Barrio Populo on their website POPULOBarrio Populo keeps the journey on; More than 150 concerts in two years all over France and elsewhere (Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, United Kingdom) and is not about to stop… The musicians organize themselves in the most independent fashion around this project to make it grow. They all live in the same house in the countryside and try to live an alternative and autonomous life. Barrio Populo suggests desorder as a necessity and preludes the build up of another kind of thinking. This crazyness, this utopia chasing, this love of freedom sweats in their music, it’s their weapon, their discourse, their message, Let’s listen to “Desorder” rather than talk about it because we would miss the point!

While on stage, Barrio Populo came accross : Le Peuple de l’Herbe, Têtes Raides, Dub Inc, Che Sudaka, Raggasonic, Amazigh, Les Blérots de Ravel, LoGre, Oaï Star, Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs, Sinsemilia, Broussaï, Deportivo, As de Trèfle, La Mine de Rien, Les Tit’s Nassels, Les Caméléons, Mon Côté Punk, Les Fatals Picards, Puggy, Brain Damage, The Elderberries, Les Hurlements d’Léo and others…

They are in Albania now and will be playing at the outdoor concert space, Karl Gega st., you know the place :). Don’t miss out!

Find out more about Barrio Populo on their website

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Culture, Past Events, Visual Arts


WITH MY COUNTRY IN THE BACKGROUND“With my country in the background” is a photography book with a series of pictures carefully selected by Kaltrina Krasniqi and Alban Muja. It is made of 90 images taken by young people spanning from 14-year-old to 25 and with no particular connection with photography. Kaltrina and Alban distributed 100 single use photo-cameras around Kosovo and hoped to catch the perspective of those that are usually in front of the camera.

Tirana Ekspres is pleased to host the exhibition titled after the book.
Genc Salihu will follow with a live performance. Alban Muja will follow with a DJ set.WITH MY COUNTRY IN THE BACKGROUND“With my country in the background” is a photography book with a series of pictures carefully selected by Kaltrina Krasniqi and Alban Muja. It is made of 90 images taken by young people spanning from 14-year-old to 25 and with no particular connection with photography. Kaltrina and Alban distributed 100 single use photo-cameras around Kosovo and hoped to catch the perspective of those that are usually in front of the camera.

Tirana Ekspres is pleased to host the exhibition titled after the book.
Genc Salihu will follow with a live performance. Alban Muja will follow with a DJ set.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


JERICHOMany years ago when the viral communication devices weren’t yet developed, there was a single hardcore rock song circulating around and driving people crazy. We were all electric to the pure existence of a band that made us dance like we would have if we were listening to Rage Against the Machine. But the lyrics were saying: “Don’t fuck with albanians”. The good news is that the group went on to become one of the most popular rock bands in Albania and Kosovo. They have developed their own label titled “Gheg Rock”, a clear mixture of traditional sound and punching rock.

TIRANA EKSPRES presents JERICHO in a live concert. DJ set by Indripendent FX. years ago when the viral communication devices weren’t yet developed, there was a single hardcore rock song circulating around and driving people crazy. We were all electric to the pure existence of a band that made us dance like we would have if we were listening to Rage Against the Machine. But the lyrics were saying: “Don’t fuck with albanians”. The good news is that the group went on to become one of the most popular rock bands in Albania and Kosovo. They have developed their own label titled “Gheg Rock”, a clear mixture of traditional sound and punching rock.

TIRANA EKSPRES presents JERICHO in a live concert. DJ set by Indripendent FX.

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