Welcome to the largest, fastest-growing art and photography community in Albania. Tirana Ekspres is the premier online marketplace for buying and selling original art, prints, home decor, apparel, and more. With just a few clicks, you can upload your images, select the products that you want to sell, set your prices, and begin selling your art to the millions of buyers all over the world.
Option 1
To be part of our Website all submitted works must be 72DPI or if you use a digital camera the resolution of works should not be higher than 2272x1704 pixels or image size not bigger than 7.5'x5.7' , in JPEG or PNG format.
If it is not impossible or you do not have the right equipment, we offer our services through the photography department. Our service costs 500 ALL for each work you publish on the website we will provide you with a PDF catalog of your works at the end.
Option 2
Download this sample aplication format to use before you upload your work.
In addition to providing an online marketplace and fulfillment service, Tirana Ekspres provides artists and photographers with sales tools and marketing tools to help simplify and accelerate their careers.
If you're interested in selling art online, you've come to the right place. No matter what you want to sell... or where you want to sell it... we have the technology to power your sales.