Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events, Visual Arts


Monday, 27th January 2014: International Day of  Commemoration of the Vicitims of Holocaust!

18:00 Opening of the exhibition Shiko dhe Mos Harro

18:30 Documentary movie: “A People Uncounted” (watch the trailer here:

On occasion of the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Holocaust (January 27th) the NGO Roma Active Albania (RAA), based in Tirana, presents Shiko dhe Mos Harro, an exhibition on the remembrance of the Roma Genocide convicted by the Nazis during the World War II.
In August 2013 young Roma and Non-Roma from all over Europe came together to commemorate the day of the liquidation of the “Zigeunerlager” in Auschwitz in 1944. During four days they were gathering in workshops and discussion rounds to learn about this widely unknown part of the Holocaust and to work on an active culture of remembrance to fight antigypsyism, racism, hate speech and extremism in Europe.
RAA wants to share this experience and promote the recognition of the Roma Genocide in a wider public in Albania. After the opening of the exhibition there will be a screening of the documentary movie “A People Uncounted” to give more insight to the topic of Roma Genocide in general.

Roma Active Albania in Cooperation with Tirana Ekspres.


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts


Photographs by Arnold Pöschl & Hans Hochstöger (Austria) – Opening Saturday, 25th January, 18.00 @ Tirana Ekspres! On display until February 6th 2014!

It were mostly young people who occupied Gezi Park in Istanbul and went to the streets to fight for their rights. They risked getting injured, beaten up, jailed, or even killed.
Who are they?
With their work, the artists want to give those protesters a face, and tell their story. They want to get them out of anonymity.

!!! Don’t miss the ARTIST TALK on Friday 25th January at the Opening !!!

About the artists:
*Arnold Pöschl, born 1981 in Klagenfurt, Austria. Focus on Portrait Photography, working for Magazines, Agencies and publishing companies.
*Hans Hochstöger, born 1982 in Melk, Austria. Since 2010 working as a photographer for international and Austrian magazines and corporations. Hans is based in Vienna, and does work frequently in IStanbul. He loves to photograph human beeings.
Arnold and Hans got to know each other while studying photography in Vienna.

View photo gallery of the opening. Photos by Arnold Pöschl & Dori Lyla:

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

CHAMBER MUSIC – Arumun Folk Ensemble from Kavaja

Thursday, 23rd January, 19.00 @ Tirana Ekspres: Chamber music with the Arumun Folk Ensemble from Kavaja!

The first chamber music evening of this year is dedicated to a very special commnity. The Arumuns Folk Ensemble of Kavaja will perform characteristic Arumun songs and dances.

Very warm welcome!

Photo gallery (Photos by Arnold Pöschl):

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events



In the new year 2014, the weekly Movie Night @ Tirana Ekspres starts with a cycle of films introducing the era of Italian Neo-realism.

Tuesday, 28/01/2014, 19.30: “Roma” (Comedy, 127min, 1972) by Federico Fellini

Neorealism belongs to an era between massacres and progress in a century of wars and totalitarism. It arose from a situation of battered World War II, where the crop has failed. Neorealiste cinema returns or intends to restore art to rescue a human role, exactly right there when this has affected the darkest point of human civilization. Neo-realism for Roberto Rossellini (who is a key director of this movement), is a tool to cope with real life and how to approach things more real.

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


This wednesday, 29/01/2014, 19.30: Tirana Ekspres is opening its stage for young musicians to experiemnt and perform live. This time is the first time for Ledja Beko (vocals), Amando Bardhoshi (vocals), Xhon (guitar), Mateo Basha (guitar) and Silvester Shoshi (violine) to perform some epic, nightwish music.


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

NYMPHAE – painting exhibition by PARID DULE

Exhibition opening ‘NYMPHAE’ by Parid Dule, January 6th 2014, 18.00 @ Tirana Ekspres! On display unti January 21st!

Parid Dule finished the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana in 1994. His creative artistic work begins in 1979 with a series of exhibitions of different genres and techniques, in- and outside the country.

He is opening the cycle of exhibitions of the New Year 2014 and will display his unique nudes to art lovers for the first time at Tirana Ekspres.

Nymphs, the main subject of this series of works, are embodied through color, motives and their fragilities. In this exhibition the viewer will perceive the sensitivity of the artist that reveals us another aspect of womanhood. The artist truly exposes the beauty and privacy of his characters by exploring their interior.

Watch the photo gallery here:

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


Jam Session! Friday, 10/01/2014, 21.30 @ Tirana Ekspres!

All musicians and instrumentalists are invited to join on stage to improvise and joyfully play some live music together!

Warm welcome!

jam sessions

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