Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


Angry Youth.  DJ session – 27.12.2013, 21.00 @ Tirana Ekspres.angry youth

Angry Youth is a collective composed of thirteen young artists, DJs, musicians and designers from Kosovo. Created in autumn last year, they represent a variety of backgrounds working with multi-dimensional music, animation, design and art in public spaces.

Angry Youth consists of: Awakening Elshani Star Xhaferi, Tomor Pllana Taulant Qerkini (CIT), Blessed Allowance (Greyëan), Joy Ramiz (Sambo), Gold Maliqi (Distorted Distortion aka Kinematics), Alban Telaku (Noyd), Brilliant Medunjanin (NFA), Astrida Breca Taulant Bytyqi, Hana J. Zeqa, & Eka.

Entry: 200 LEK.

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


Come celebrate Christmas Eve @ Tirana Ekspres together with a unique live concert by Gypsy Groove! Don’t miss: 24.12.2013, 22.00!

Entry : 500 Leke + 1 Beer “Sol” included.

Gipsy Groove formed in 2010-2011 and play authentic Balkan Roma music, which they infuse with other musical influences: Jazz, Reggae, Funk
Gipsy Groove formed in 2010-2011 and play authentic Balkan Roma music, which they infuse with other musical influences: Jazz, Reggae, Funk, Ska, DnB etc. Their performances are charismatic, energetic and often improvised.
Gipsy Groove is the first and only band in Kosovo who play original Roma music. The band members are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and they bring this cultural diversity, as well as their interest in human rights and peace, into their performances.



Bajram Kinolli “KAFU” – Vocal
Enver Muhamedi- El bass-Kontrabass
Ivan Ivanov – Saxophone
Mirsad Dalipi – Drums
Faruk Banjska- Guitar

gypsy groove concert

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Thursday, 19th December 19.30 @ Tirana Ekspres:

The Albanian Accordions are back at Stacioni No. 1! This time they’ll perform a concert together with some instrumentalists from the University of Arts Tirana.

Artistic Director: Elton Balla.


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events, Visual Arts


DJAYJAY Donika Nuhiuphoto exhibition ne rrugeSaturday, 20th December is dedicated to “Thejmura”, an initiative of young Albanian artists with the aim of promoting and including Albanian artists that live as emigrants in different Balkan regions.

14:00 Photo Exhibition Opening with works by Bujanoci Flutura Aliu

15:00 Screening of two short films: “Në rrugë”  by Gazmend Idrisi  &  “Zakonisht” by Kastriot Saqipiin -in the presence of the directors.

17:00 Presentation of the project “Thejmura” by the project organizers

20:00 Live performance by Donika Nuhiu & Leart Hajrullahut, Afterparty with DJAYJAY

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts


ekspozite fotografieExhibition opening on monday, 16th December 18.00 @ Tirana Ekspres (exhibition is on display at Stacioni No. 1 until December 26th):

“Seven” is a photo exhibition produced with photos inspired by womanhood in Albania. More
than 30 photographer responded to call to submit photos and 15 of those were selected for the
participation in the exhibition named simply “Seven”.
A first part of the photos were exhibited during the performance of “Seven” in Tirana, on
November the 8th, 2013.
In no way this exhibition pretends to portray all the variety of women realities in Albania, it is a
modest collection of some of these realities. Hoping to inspire other’s attention at them!
At the opening ceremony will be distributed prizes for the three best photos.
This exhibition is part of Seven on Tour, Fb: Seven on Tour and it is
organized by Center for Legal Civic Initiatives, Swedish Embassy in Tirana, Civil Rights Defenders
and Hedda Production AB with the support of Swedish Institute – “SEVEN” is a groundbreaking
documentary play based on interviews with seven women’s rights activists from around the
world, whose difficult life stories and struggle are a source of inspiration.
You are welcome to join us at the launch or any of the days when the exhibition will stay open!
Seven partners in Albania.

Photo gallery:

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Culture, Literature, Main Category, Past Events


Secobook fairnd Hand Books Fair this Saturday 14th December 2013 starting from 19.00 @ Tirana Ekspres:  A warm evening full of love for the written word! Come and enjoy poetry readings, fragments of novels and stories; come listen to some lovely acoustic music performed live by Ina Koxha who is accompanied on guitar by Vin Leli; come browse among the manifold range of second hand books borrowed from the library of the small but beautiful “Furrës e Books” from Shkodra that will be sold at very affordable 200lek to 500lek. Be among friends end enjoy a warm December evening just before Christmas!

Photo gallery:


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

PHOTO COMPETITION: On joue sur la Terre

Take part photo competition alliance francaisein a photo competition with Alliance Francaise, deadline is December 15th 2013!! Find more infos below:

Fondacioni i Aleancës Franceze të Parisit dhe Aleancat Franceze të Shqipërisë organizojnë një konkurs fotografie të titulluar « Të luajmë në Tokë ». Qëllimi i këtij konkursi është të prezantojë lojrat në funksionet e tyre të larmishme shoqërore dhe kulturore (lojrat shoqëerore pra që luhen nga shumë persona : letra, mos u nxeh, etj.; lojra me lekë si monopoli etj.; lojra video, lojra në natyrë, lojra fëmijësh, gara sportive etj.).

Ju mund të na dërgoni fotot tuaja deri më 15 dhjetor 2013. Pas vlerësimit të krijmtarive tuaja nga një juri profesionale, fituesi ose fituesja ka mundësinë ë fitojë një udhëtim në Paris dhe çmime të tjera gjithashtu. Çdo fotograf pjesmarrës duhet të paraqesë 2 foto.

Regjistrohuni pranë Aleancës Franceze të Tiranës ose me anë të e-mailit : [email protected]

La Fondation Alliance Française à Paris et les Alliances Françaises d’Albanie organisent un concours de photographie intitulé « On joue sur la Terre ». L’objectif de ce concours est de montrer les jeux dans leurs multiples fonctions sociales et culturelles (jeux de société, jeux d’argent, jeux vidéo, jeux de plein air, jeux d’enfants, compétitions sportives etc.).

Vous pouvez nous envoyer vos photos jusqu’au 15 décembre 2013. Après l’évaluation de vos créations par un jury professionnel, le/la gagnant/e a la possibilité de gagner un voyage à Paris ainsi que de nombreux autres lots. Chaque photographe participant doit présenter 2 photos.

Inscrivez-vous auprès de l’Alliance Française de Tirana ou via mél : [email protected]

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Culture, Music, Past Events


In collaboration with Akademia Moderne Hollywood the guitar class is performing a very special concert @ Tirana Ekspres on Saturday Dec 7th at 19.00.

childrens concert

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Culture, Music, Past Events


Friday, 13th Dec, 21.30  @ Tirana Ekspres/ Stacioni No. 1

Pink Metal – Live Post Punk from Prishtina

Pinkmetal is a music band formed in September 2010. The four musicians live and work in Prishtina – Kosova.

Adonis Kasneci – Guitar
Petrit Bytyqi – Bass
Granit Halili – Drums
Fat Limani – Vocals

This Band, focused on positivity and inspired by lot of different,both foreign and domestic artists (on average 2,5 inspirations per head) with its diversity of inspirations , can be put in range with Punk,Post-Punk,Eksperimental Rock , Post-Prit, Fast-Plast etc.

Entry : 200 LEK

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