Culture, Past Events, Visual Arts


CAPTURE ALBANIAOur next activity will mark the end of this year’s edition of Capture Albania and the opening of the selected photographs exhibition. There will be 45 carefully selected photographs amidst 100 works submitted by young photographers. This year’s photographs show many aspects of modern Albania. They fall into three categories: The natural landscapes, the urban landscapes and the people.

The natural landscapes of Albania show more things than any words could ever describe. As for the urban landscapes and the people, they hint to what the participant’s eye values as aesthetic, authentic and representative. This is why “Aesthetics of Transition” would have been a good name for this year’s photo collection. In essence, each photograph conveys a genuine social concern subtly shared by the author. If the whole transition of Albania could be summarized in one picture, we would like it to be a beautiful postcard. In reality, the transition has produced varied images of great interest for architects, urban developers, sociologists etc. Our daily use of the word transition has made it a synonym of economic distress, institutional reforms etc.

In photography, the transition takes as many shapes and colors as light carries through the camera lenses. Interactivity is the way through which life in society expresses itself. It draws a picture that inspire to the creation of poetry, mysticism, nostalgia, comedy etc. These are albanian pictures that give colors, shapes and expressions to an albanian reality. They were primarily taken by albanian professional and amateur photographers and show a need to self-actualize in our surrounding. After all, we all draw inspiration from Mr. Martin Parr’s participation as a jury director in this edition of Capture Albania.


This edition of Capture Albania is brought to you by the British Council in collaboration with Tirana Ekspres. Three pictures, selected by Mr. Parr will receive th best photograph award. One picture, selected by the rest of the jury, will receive the special award.CAPTURE ALBANIAOur next activity will mark the end of this year’s edition of Capture Albania and the opening of the selected photographs exhibition. There will be 45 carefully selected photographs amidst 100 works submitted by young photographers. This year’s photographs show many aspects of modern Albania. They fall into three categories: The natural landscapes, the urban landscapes and the people.

The natural landscapes of Albania show more things than any words could ever describe. As for the urban landscapes and the people, they hint to what the participant’s eye values as aesthetic, authentic and representative. This is why “Aesthetics of Transition” would have been a good name for this year’s photo collection. In essence, each photograph conveys a genuine social concern subtly shared by the author. If the whole transition of Albania could be summarized in one picture, we would like it to be a beautiful postcard. In reality, the transition has produced varied images of great interest for architects, urban developers, sociologists etc. Our daily use of the word transition has made it a synonym of economic distress, institutional reforms etc.

In photography, the transition takes as many shapes and colors as light carries through the camera lenses. Interactivity is the way through which life in society expresses itself. It draws a picture that inspire to the creation of poetry, mysticism, nostalgia, comedy etc. These are albanian pictures that give colors, shapes and expressions to an albanian reality. They were primarily taken by albanian professional and amateur photographers and show a need to self-actualize in our surrounding. After all, we all draw inspiration from Mr. Martin Parr’s participation as a jury director in this edition of Capture Albania.


This edition of Capture Albania is brought to you by the British Council in collaboration with Tirana Ekspres. Three pictures, selected by Mr. Parr will receive th best photograph award. One picture, selected by the rest of the jury, will receive the special award.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


GIPSY GROOVEThis saturday, Tirana Ekspres is pleased to welcome “Gipsy Groove” as part of the RESPEKT campaign. We would like to take a moment to commemorate the legacy of a people without a state who have contributed to the cultural heritage of mankind. For centuries, the Roma people have suffered discrimination and were victims of the Holocaust. Today they still struggle for their survival, but the world has an ever growing awareness of their existence. Culture and music are the gravity that brings people closer to each other. Those are the ones we cherish the most and invoke to refresh our consciousness.

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Culture, Past Events, Visual Arts


STATION TO STATIONDear Friends and Supporters of Tirana Ekspres,

This Saturday, March 17th 2012, at 19h00, Tirana Ekspres will host the opening exhibition of Heldi Pema’s most recent work, a series titled “Station to Station”. It consists of an art installation that began durin Pema’s participation in the Artists in Residence program at the “Kultur Kontakt” in Vienna. This huge “mixed technique” installation encompasses various objects, some of which are recycled. He makes special use of fashion magazines as well as old Soviet magazines taken from East Germany’s vast DDR archive (Auchtung Berlin).

Pema playfully manipulates and transforms all these archival and recent materials recalling the California paranoia illustrated in Mike Kelley’s “Destroy all Monsters” project. During the opening, the artist will also introduce a sound project entitled “TAXI”. This is an album of soundtracks produced in collaboration with seven other artists, among which are Anri Sala, Bert Theis and Steve Piccolo.

Mr. Pema was born in Tirana in 1977. Upon completio of his studies in the Visual Arts department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana he attended the International Summer Academy in Salzburg, the Real Presence in Belgrade, the O’Artoteca in Milano and the Kultur Kontakt in Vienna. In 1998 he worked for “Manifesta 2” in Luxembourg.

From 2003 to the present, he has worked as a curator in the National Gallery of Arts of Albania. In 2008, Mr. Pema won the special prize in Onufri’s Contest followed by the second prize in the same event in 2009. Hes works have showcased in the 52nd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, in the Haus Lutzoplatz of Berlin, in the Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce in Genova, in Tirana’s Institute for Contemporary Art, in the National Gallery of Arts Prishtina, the National Gallery of Arts Tirana, the Biennale of Europe and the Mediterranean in Athens, in the second Biennale of Tirana, etc.STATION TO STATIONDear Friends and Supporters of Tirana Ekspres,

This Saturday, March 17th 2012, at 19h00, Tirana Ekspres will host the opening exhibition of Heldi Pema’s most recent work, a series titled “Station to Station”. It consists of an art installation that began durin Pema’s participation in the Artists in Residence program at the “Kultur Kontakt” in Vienna. This huge “mixed technique” installation encompasses various objects, some of which are recycled. He makes special use of fashion magazines as well as old Soviet magazines taken from East Germany’s vast DDR archive (Auchtung Berlin).

Pema playfully manipulates and transforms all these archival and recent materials recalling the California paranoia illustrated in Mike Kelley’s “Destroy all Monsters” project. During the opening, the artist will also introduce a sound project entitled “TAXI”. This is an album of soundtracks produced in collaboration with seven other artists, among which are Anri Sala, Bert Theis and Steve Piccolo.

Mr. Pema was born in Tirana in 1977. Upon completio of his studies in the Visual Arts department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana he attended the International Summer Academy in Salzburg, the Real Presence in Belgrade, the O’Artoteca in Milano and the Kultur Kontakt in Vienna. In 1998 he worked for “Manifesta 2” in Luxembourg.

From 2003 to the present, he has worked as a curator in the National Gallery of Arts of Albania. In 2008, Mr. Pema won the special prize in Onufri’s Contest followed by the second prize in the same event in 2009. Hes works have showcased in the 52nd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, in the Haus Lutzoplatz of Berlin, in the Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce in Genova, in Tirana’s Institute for Contemporary Art, in the National Gallery of Arts Prishtina, the National Gallery of Arts Tirana, the Biennale of Europe and the Mediterranean in Athens, in the second Biennale of Tirana, etc.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


Crazy and hilarious Idriz made some people take off their prim clothing and stir up a dancefloor frenzy until late at night inside Tirana Ekspres’s big hall of events. Some people were enjoying Idriz’s performance from behind the stage, others were singing along at the counter, but most of the crowd seemed to be engaged in a chaotic headbanging and moshing mass.

Tirana Ekspres is looking forward to collaborating with outstanding musical bands such as Blla Blla Blla in the future.

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Culture, Past Events, Visual Arts


THE PYRAMIDTirana Ekspres will host the exhibition of the works of a group of international artists.

Participating artists: Ana Daci, Áron Birtalan, Diomen Bariçi, Eric Peter, Fatlum Doçi, Frederic Janssen, Gosse de Kort, Moritz Geremus, Nika Volkova, Pim van der Heiden, Ronald Schelfhout, Silvia Jánosková, Vincent van Gerven Oei, John Fenning.THE PYRAMIDTirana Ekspres will host the exhibition of the works of a group of international artists.

Participating artists: Ana Daci, Áron Birtalan, Diomen Bariçi, Eric Peter, Fatlum Doçi, Frederic Janssen, Gosse de Kort, Moritz Geremus, Nika Volkova, Pim van der Heiden, Ronald Schelfhout, Silvia Jánosková, Vincent van Gerven Oei, John Fenning.

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Culture, Movie, Past Events


At the end of the 1 week commemorations of Bob Marley, on the month of his birthday, Tirana Ekspres will organize the screening of a documentary film on his life. The screening starts at 20h00. Then, Roots Raid & Vi Vi will engage in a soundclash against SkaVillage and DJ.Peach. Soundclash is one of the most interesting music traditions of Jamaica. You will follow four rounds to fully experience Reggae and its influences. Don’t miss out!At the end of the 1 week commemorations of Bob Marley, on the month of his birthday, Tirana Ekspres will organize the screening of a documentary film on his life. The screening starts at 20h00. Then, Roots Raid & Vi Vi will engage in a soundclash against SkaVillage and DJ.Peach. Soundclash is one of the most interesting music traditions of Jamaica. You will follow four rounds to fully experience Reggae and its influences. Don’t miss out!

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Culture, Music, Past Events


SONGS AND DANCES ENSEMBLETirana Ekspres is pleased to welcome Tirana’s Songs and Dances Ensemble. The live performance is made possible in collaboration with the Cultural Center of Tirana.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


THE ALICKA PROBLEMIt’s a matter of filial piety either to accept it or not ,that the only thing
these three individuals had in common was their depressive childhood(unbelievably,
two of the members are products of the same “baby-fabric”).
Coming from diverse backgrounds and being conscientous of their technical inability in playing instruments,
they hardly tried to recruit new forces in their project.But that resulted unsuccesful.Not trying to recreate a moderate version of “Sonic Youth” ,the female part of the Alicka Problem
took the duties of bassist and lead singer, while the men ,due to their non-rockstar-appearance ,
found their ways in the darkest corners of the stage by playing guitar and drums.
Their unorthodox way of mixing influences expands from adding extreme guitar-effects to Nick Drake’s
and Leonard Cohen’s songwriting to singing like Hope Sandoval or imitating Radiohead’s Phil Selways’ hair-do.


Most of the bands imitate, the better ones copy & paste (our category) and the real good ones invent music ( Neu! , Blla Blla Blla , Slint , Autechre etc.) . So here’s the deal:

Die Einzigen, die mit dieser Band ein Problem haben könnten, sind Leute ohne offene Ohren. Das Mannheimer Trio zählt zu den wenigen wirklich experimentierfreudigen Rockbands der Region. Die abenteuerlustigen Sound-Tüftler mischen sphärische Sonic-Youth-Gitarren, hypnotische Krautrock-Rhythmen, schräge Radiohead-Harmonien und ätherische My-Bloody-Valentine-Gesänge zu einem ganz eigenen psychedelischen Stil, der ebenso verstörend wie faszinierend ist. So muss Rockmusik heute klingen
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Culture, Music, Past Events


INTRODUCTION TO DUBAfter having organized many Reggae events, we feel that it’s time to have an interactive and tributary presentation of Jamaica’s music innovations. It’s the story of a musical revolution that started in the 1970s in Kingston and became the supporting column of many genres that today are grouped in the “bass music” like Hip-Hop, Drum’n’Bass, Break Beat, Trip Hop, Downtempo and Techno. The presentation will be in a format that is a mixture of a radio show and a jamaican dub dance show. It will be a great opportunity to have fun, socialize, learn and experience the transcendental magic and misticism of DUB. Original vinyls will be used for the music. Courtesy of Mr. Rez Selector.

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Culture, Music, Past Events


GILLESPIE LIVEGillespie is a spiritual, virtuous, experimental and energetic band. They’ve produced some of the most interesting sounds produced in Prishtina (KS) during the last 10 years. Tirana Ekspres is pleased to welcome them on stage. Following up another urbanoid from Prishtina called DJ. Xaxi.

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