Posted in Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts on 15 May 2014 by Tirana Ekspres 

posttraumaArjan Serjanaj / Exhibition / Opening 15 May 2014, 6:00 PM  @ Tirana Ekspres

The Albanian society nowadays faces a traumatized collective memory by the developments of its contemporary history.
“Postum Trauma” in its pathological definition is known as “Post-traumatic stress disorder”. In general, this disease affects individuals who undergo an experience of shock. Some of the symptoms subjects suffer from are: phobia, suicidal thinking, supression of memories, depression.

This exhibition tackles the topic through two video installations with four integrated works.
It is on display daily from 15-22nd May, daily 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Sundays are closed.

About the artist:
Arjan Serjanaj was born in 1982 Tirana / Albania. He graduated 2002 in Visual Arts at Jordan Misja, Artistic Lyceum in Tirana / Albania; completed his Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts in 2009 & MA Degree Visual Arts in 2012 in Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna / Italy.
Currently he lives and works in Tirana.

The artist embraces all the mediums which give the opportunity to express his research: painting, sculpture, installation, video, audio. In general, his work can be characterized by an existentialist state, political, psychological, and social.

Arjan is sensible in particular to the social and democratic processes in Albania, including the traumas of Albanian transition as they have affected his life thus his artistic production.

Arjan Serjanaj was involved in exhibitions such as “Artists in residence – Bando SI, Colateral Arte Fiera, Bologna / Italy”, “TransZinxhir – Galeria FAP, Tirana / Albania”, “Idromeno Price – Galery of Arts Shkoder / Albania” and “First International Award – Arte Laguna, Veneto / Italy”.


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