The event takes place in a psychiatric therapy clinic, the doctor disguises himself as a patient and develops his treatment without the patients realizing that he is the doctor! The play has at its center 5 prominent characters from the dramatically point of view, where each of them suffers from a special syndrome (huq). Fred (dr) – “suffers” from dirty word syndrome. (Venson) suffers from endless counting syndrome. (Maria) -makes the cross over and over and obsessed with checking the bag. (Bobby) -is obsessed with symmetry and can not step on the floor. (Lily) – has the mania to say everything twice. Among these problems stand out brilliant situations, of the human need to find salvation, in the internal struggle that man has to declare to others as he really is. Amidst the comics hides and stands an overwhelming society drama to withstand the pressure of life circumstances! If people were more altruistic in their relationships with each other, love and warmth would dominate !!!
Director: Gjergj Mena
Author: Laurent Baffie (French)
Genre: Comedy