On September the 8th, TE'Galeria opened a solidarity exhibition. "Buy a painting, for an education" came to aid to some children in the city of Elbasan. This exhibition was open for three days and many individuals and institutions expressed their solidarity for the cause.
The two-day painting workshop was conducted for children aged 7-13 and it was finalized with an exhibition. The income collected from this exhibition went as an aid to the purchase of school supplies and clothes for some children in the city of Elbasan. The list of needs was previously sent by the Organization A2A Albania and was made public on our website and Socal Media.
This project was conceived by Ana Qirjazi and her family and brought to life by Tirana Ekspres, TE'Galeria in collaboration with the Association A2A Albania in Elbasan. Click the link to follow RTSH's chronicle dedicated to the project.
Thanks to the contributions collected by individuals, a company, and the embassy of Greece, Slovenia, and Turkish generosity we managed to secure school items for 50 children.
The balloon has long been one of the most beloved games for children. The interaction with nature, the wind and the flight of birds have been and always remains an incomparable sensation. Bringing back such an activity in the time we live in, with the rapid digitization that is happening, is challenging, however, it makes us remind ourselves of the importance of contact with nature and physical activity for children of all ages.
The day of balloons was held on the 8th of May at the kiter field at the artificial lake of Tirana. Children of all ages were invited to join the activity. Participants: Children with the help of their parents were invited to create their own handmade balloons. The event was accompanied by music a music concert and other fun activities.
On Friday, March 25, 2022, the exhibition with young artists was opened in the premises of TE ’Galeria, under the curation of Andi Tepelena. Seven young artists brought together, exhibited their works on oil on canvas technique. A presentations of series of their works of recent years to the public. Daily routine, artistic life, state of mind, childhood, tradition were some of the topics addressed by artists Albi Yzo, Enea Ziu, Kristian Zara, Hert’ha Pataj, Edinjo Jahja, Resina Meçani, Stefania Balla.
The exhibition remained open to the public until April 4 and was finalized with an art talk where the participating artists and the curator were invited. We came together to learn more about the content of the artworks but also the artistic reality in the city, the concerns and the steps that can be taken to make everyone’s contribution even more valuable.
Albi Yzo
To create in our contemporary era, it is in my opinion, to be committed to choosing different forms of expression while preserving the essence of ourselves, so that this energy is distributed in the time and space in which we live
Art, for me, is the ability of the mind to produce works, which society will put in function of its aesthetic and cultural improvement. My work clearly shows my interest in beauty, my ontological search for innovation, undeniable heterogeneity, love for man that he is sublime.
The balance and harmony between them constitute what can be special about my work.
Hert’ha Pataj
My name is Hert’ha Pataj, I was born in May 6, 2001 in Tirana. At an early age i took interest on art and persuid it on my own. I finished high school at “Petro Nini Luarasi” and currently I study in Faculty of Applied Science and Economy, in the Art & Design Departement. I am doing an intership at a marketing company for design and advertisement and also i work online from time to time also as a designer.
My objective was architecture for a long time until i got myself more involved with art, which made my objective change to Art & Design. A lot of my art is influenced by a lot of artist, painters, graphists from different eras and also from music, which is where i find myself the most inspired, espacially in what concept I will base what I am going to create on.
Kristian Zara
In my artistic research, the combination of activities along with spiritual manifestation of psyche are already an important part of my studies as an artist. I use the human figure through which I can express all the artistic, philosophical observations that stem from an uninterrupted process of meditation and analysis.
Observing the interaction between the inner and outer world, man and society, nature and humanity, I often happens to immerse myself in a conversation with the former unknown.
Despite the fact that I use someone else’s image, the unknown self is a part of myself which in turn becomes the self-subject (subject) and object to be observed and developed conceptually.
Enea Ziu
In a society where man is living more within his mind, or virtual world, I want to put apparently the importance of social and family relationships, relationships with the space where we live and the objects that surround us. Painting for me is the perpetuation of a moment, be it and ordinary, real or imaginary. Spontaneous moments from everyday life occupy a part of important in my creativity. These moments not only reveal my feelings and perceptions on reality but also reveal the process of creation itself.
Photo & Art Book was the title of the exhibition opened in the premises of TE' Galeria on April 15, 2022 by the third-year students of the Department of Art & Design (DAD), at the Albanian University. The exhibition was open to the public until April 24 and about 30 photographs and 20 art books made with different techniques were presented. Each work presented a very personal and unique point of view.
Në hapsirën e TE’ Galeria, me datë 10 Mars, u shfaq filmi “Mbjellja e Pemëve” me regji të Fabio Seferit dhe skenar të Ylljet Aliçkës. Kjo është nata e dytë që Tirana Ekspres shfaq për publikun një prodhim Shqiptar, si një vazhdimësi e mbrëmjeve kushtuar filmit.
-“Mbjellja e pemëve” është filmi i fundit që na lë si thesar aktori Guljelm Radoja. Artisti shfaqet në formë të mirë në këtë produksion kinematografik…
Filmi që e sjell artistin në kostumin e një personazhi mjaft pozitiv, dashamirës dhe plot këshilla, mbart të njëjtin imazh të artistit edhe për regjisorin, që e cilëson sheshin e xhirimit si një përvojë të vyer me artistin Guljelm Radoja.
“Mbjellja e pemëve”, është një film me metrazh të shkurtër dhe është mbështetur edhe nga Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë, (Luela Myftari, A2 CNN)
Bio e shkurtër e Artistit
Fabio Seferi i lindur (29 nëntor 1994) është një regjisor shqiptar. Ka studiuar në Universitetin e Arteve në Tiranë. Ai e filloi karrierën e tij si regjisor i pavarur me publikimin e Dogma 2018, i cili është një projekt filmik 48 orësh dhe fitoi Përdorimin më të Mirë të Zhanrit.
Kino Screening Te’Galeria
In the space of TE ‘Galeria, on March 10, was show for the public the film “Mbjellja e Pemëve” directed by Fabio Seferi and scripted by Ylljet Alicka . This is the second night that Tirana Ekspres brings for the public an Albanian production, as a continuation of the evenings dedicated to the film.
– “Planting trees” is the last film that the actor Guljelm Radoja left for us… The film brings the artist in the costume of a very positive character, kind and full of advice, who carries the same image of the artist for the director, which is also what seems to have been shot as a valuable experience with the artist Guljelm Radoja. “Planting Trees”, is a short film and was supported by the National Center of Cinematography, (Luela Myftari, A2 CNN)
Short bio of the Artist
Fabio Seferi born (November 29, 1994) is an Albanian director. He studied at the University of Arts in Tirana. He started his work as a freelance director with the release of Dogma 2018, which is a 48-hour film project, and won the best use of the Genre.
Ditën e premte, datë 25 Shkurt u çel ekspozita personale e fotografes Eva Sula, me titull “Spirit Light in Vietnam”. Një rrugëtim nëpër copëza jete të Vietnaimit, sjellë nga këndvështrimi i fotografes Eva Sula. Në ekspozitë u prezantuan 17 fotografi bardh e zi me çaste të kapuara nga jeta e njerëzve të thjeshtë nëpër rrugët e Vietnamit. Ekspozita qëndroi e hapur për publikun deri më datë 5 Mars.
Short Bio
Kam studiuar për fotografi kur isha në fillim të 20-ave. Pata fatin të kisha një nga profesorët më magjepsës, i cili më mësoi jo vetëm se si të bëja fotografi, por edhe se si të doja dhe të jetoja më brenda saj, Shpend Bengu. Unë gjithmonë kam qenë e interesuar në portrete njerëzore dhe në thelb lakuriqësia ishte një Rrufe në qiell të hapur. Kam thënë shpesh nëse do të dija të pikturoja nuk do bëhesha asnjëherë fotografe, por kur dëgjoja që fotot e mia i quanin “piktura” kuptova se asgjë nuk ndodh pa arsye “ex nilhilo nihil fit”.
Ekspozitën time të parë e kam hapur me Rezarta Skendaj, në vitin 2012. Ai ishte hapi i pare dhe sigurisht jo i fundit. Ekspozita “THE HIDDEN FEMALE IDENTITY” e cila përfshinte foto dhe skica ishte një ekspozitë mbi të cilën u fol shumë.
Në vitin 2016 hap ekspozitën e parë personale me nudo në ambientet e Qendrës Rinore Tiranë. Titulli i ekspozitës ishte “THE UNCOVERED MUSE”. Ekspozita u transferua edhe në Shkodër ku u mundësua nga Mirsad Basha (Eko Mëndje) në po të njëjtin vit.
Në vitin 2018 hapet ekspozita ime e tretë me titullin “MY BODY IS A CAGE” pranë ambienteve të Destil.
Janë shkruar shumë e thënë pak por kënaqesitë që kam marr janë po të njejta si ato vendngjarje.
Mbrëmjen e 18 Shkurtit, në hapsirën Te’ Galeria nisëm ciklin e mbrëmjeve kushtuar filmit, Kino Screening.
E hapëm siparin me dy filma dokumentarë të shkurtër portet, të dy regjizorëve të rinj që aktualisht vazhdojnë studimet master në Universitetin e Arteve. Dy filma tepër intim dhe të sinqertë për dy njerëz me një botë të madhe. “Harmoni” titullohej filmi i Klaudia Pashnjarit. Një lidhje e ngushtë midis njeriut dhe natyrës. Domethënia e ekszistencës. Dhurata e të jeturit në nënën natyrë. Harmonia shpirtërore, fizike dhe mendore nëpërmjet syve të një njeriu që vendosi t’i jepet plotësisht natyrës.
Dhe filmi i dytë që u shfaq për publikun titullohej “Dritarja Blu e Gurit”. Jetesa e një ëndërrimtari të moshuar i cili përballet me mungesat e tij, pa u dorëzuar.
Bio e shkurtër e artistëve
Klaudia Pashnjari ka lindur në Shqipëri, është rritur dhe ka studiuar në Korfuz të Greqisë. Është diplomuar në Universitetin e Arteve, Tiranë për regji filmi dhe televizion. Ajo ka marrë pjesë në disa festivale filmi dhe ka realizuar tre dokumentarë dhe një film të shkurtër.
Mauro Zaçe ka lindur në Tiranë,Shqipëri. Ka mbaruar Liceun Artistik “Jordan Misja”, në degën Pikturë dhe Fotografi. Aktualisht vazhdon studimet Master në Universitetin e Arteve, Tiranë, për Regji Filmi dhe Televizioni. Ka marrë pjesë në disa festivale filmi dhe numëron tre filma dokumentarë artistikë dhe një film të shkurtër. Gjithashtu, ai ka marrë pjesë në ekspozita të ndryshme kolektive rreth fotografisë dhe pikturës.
Artists short bio
Klaudia Pashnjari Albanian born, studied and raised in Corfu, Greece. She graduated in University of Arts of Albania for Film directing and Television. She has participated in several film festivals and has made three documentaries and one short film.
Synopsys - A deep bond between man and nature. The meaning of existence. The gift of living on mother earth. The spiritual , physical and mental harmony through the eyes of the person who decided to completely give himself to nature.
Mauro Zaçe was born in Tirana, Albania. He finished "Jordan Misja" Art High School, for 'Painting and Photography'. He is currently continuing his Master studies at the "University of Arts", Tiranë, for Film Directing and Television. He has participated in several film festivals and counts three feature documentaries and one short film. Also, he has participated in different collective exhibitions about photography and painting.
“Guri’s Blue Window”
Synopsys- The subsistence of an elderly dreamer, who faces his absences, without relinquishing.
Another exhibition in our environments #TE’GALERIA. We had the pleasure to open the Photography Exhibition of the well-known artist Mr.Roland Tasho. This exhibition, which lasted 3 (three) days, took place on November 24, 2020, at 17:00 at the TE Gallery (Rr.Hoxha Tahsim, Former House of Friends, Tirana).
On a sunny Sunday of October 11th, Tirana Ekspres brought to the stage the comedy “Për një fjalë goje”.Bringing to the stage of Tirana Amfitheater this theatrical performance was an honor and also our first experience with such participation.Talk as much as you want but do not get caught up in a word of mouth.For all those who were tired of quarantine and the closed artistic life, for all the longing spectators of the theater, we carefully selected the comedy that best suits the conditions in which we live, posts quarantine, and care for Covid-19.Art was born as a need for communication and catharsis, so we will give you the best of what we have to offer to the art-loving public.
A special thank you goes to our sponsors and supporters:
Bashkia Tirane | APRRaiffeisen Invest
Two close friends who quarrel over a word of mouth and seek to break this friendship even after explanations and misunderstandings. A love that binds the two since childhood and does not allow them to separate. They do not perish for a word of mouth, but seek justice, for this they also turn to justice. However, they are right and they are not right. It all depends on the point of view.
Tirana Ekspres in collaboration with Shpend Bengu Multimedia-Studio, organizes the premiere of the documentary “Damnatio Memoriae”
American-Albanian Institute of Kavaja 1925 – 2020, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the opening of this school, realized by Dr. Shpend Bengu.
The screening of the film will be accompanied by questions, answers and discussions about the film
Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
Street: Jani Vreto, Villa No.6, Tirana
Due to Covid19 pandemic protocols, the show will be hosted outdoors, and places are limited.