Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

Traditional ITALIAN CONCERT 5 december

Chiara finalDear Friends,

This night our two Italian guests Chiara and Stefania will perform some traditional Italian music for the audience at Tirana Ekspres. Come and enjoy the pure rythmical Taranta in a nice acoustic session.
Within the concert we would like to celebrate the international volunteers day by showing a short movie and thank all volunteers for their work.

We would like to see and welcome you here!

The concert will start at 21:00 on the 5th of december

Free Entrance

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Culture, Main Category, Music

OVER 50´s dancing night 4 december

Dear Friends,

Over 50´s second edition.

Tirana Ekspres welcomes all people over the age of 50 to dance to old classics while enjoying a glass of wine in good company.

Doors open at 20:00

The dancing night will take place every first thursday in the month.


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

PSY-STATION thu 27 november

Dear friends,

This evening all friends of deep, pumping and melodic electronic music are welcome at Tirana Ekspres.
Trance is the sound! And you are invitet warmly!
Earlier than normally, but why not start dancing at 6 o´clock?
Let yourself and your mind flow away in the deep rythms and your legs will move by themselves. Two great DJ´s are taking care for the ongoing vibes, while you are allowed to relax and enjoy the basslines flooding your body.

See you on the dancefloor!

Please regard the time: 18:00 till 23:00

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


The Intimate Performance

Instead of people being compelled to read through the blueprint of the songs — instead of them looking at the dance steps ahead of time, they would just go through the dance.
Let the music happen to you!

Intimate Acoustic Session on Friday night at Tirana Ekspres
Vocal : Bijona Troqe
Guitar : Marlind Tako
Piano : Marlind Tako
Percussion Geri Avrazi


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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events

CHILDREN 404 movie screening 8 december

Internation Human Rights Day

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day on 10th of December, “Movie that Matters”. Tirana Ekspres, in collaboration with Aleanca Kundër Diskriminimit LGBT, Pink Embassy and OMSA- Open Mind Spectrum Albania has the pleasure to screen the movie “Children 404”. We invite everybody to join an open discussion which will take part after the movie, with representatives of the 3 invited organisations.

Children 404: By Pavel Loparev and Askold Kurov | Russia | 2014 | 70min

“In 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin passed a bill forbidding the “promotion of nontraditional sexual relations to minors.” LGBT youth, now defenseless against insults and intimidation under this “gay propaganda” law, are considered sick, sinful and abnormal. Psychologists, teachers and even parents can be fined or imprisoned for supporting them. Forty-five Russian teens and tweens share their stories through anonymous interviews and video diaries. They detail their humiliations and discriminations, as well as their courageous stands against bullies. Their testimonies are collected online as the Children 404 project, named after the common “error 404 – page not found” web message. The support group’s founder struggles within the system to bring public attention and empathy to the victims of this government-endorsed hate, while activist Pasha decides he must leave his homeland altogether if he hopes to find a boyfriend and lead a normal life. Has a new Stone Age arrived in Russia?” (Angie Driscol, Hot Docs)

The movie is provided by the Dutch Embassy.

The screening will start at 7 pm on 8th december and take place at Tirana Ekspres.

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

THE BROKES live 21 november


–The Brokes–

We invite you to the performance of “The Brokes” who are coming the first time in Tirana Ekspres!

The group was formed within a university project and includes: One Bass, Two Guitars, Drums and vocals.

Come on 21st of november at 9pm and rock it!

The Entrance will be 300LEK, a contribution to the artists.

You are welcome!

Stay tuned:

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Culture, Literature, Main Category, Past Events

LITERATURE NIGHTS #2 19 november

On the Road to Babadag-Andrzej Stasiuk

What is travel writing? A litany of exploits? An amble into the unknown? A mere recounting of facts and faces, days and names? A celebration of unfettered freedom?

For Andrzej Stasiuk, perhaps, it’s an exploration of the disparate national psychologies of the world. His prize-winning travelogue, “On the Road to Babadag”, takes us along the Eastern European corridor from his native Poland southward to Albania in an earnest attempt to record his impressions of the landscapes and geographies and human detritus and personalities experienced along the way. In doing so, he raises the question: In what ways does our material culture and physical surroundings contribute to the collective psyche of our nations?

In reading together, these are the questions we’ll ask and explore, and perhaps these are the questions we’ll answer.

Join us on this literary voyage every Wednesday evening at 18:30

In the first episode we will discuss creative ways of having pleasant literature nights and introduce the chosen book.


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Culture, Main Category, Visual Arts

DELIR NOKTURN – Avdor Kodhima 14 november

AvdorWe invite you this Friday to a special art expo released by Avdor Kodhima.
In this exhibition, there are 14 paintings offering different dimensions.These paintings are produced with spray paint, brushes and hands with fluorescent paint which under the light of ultraviolet neon makes the paintings glow in the dark and look like lights.
This is the very first exhibition using this technique in Albania.
The slogan of this exhibition is : I CAN SEE INTO THE DARK

This paintings are like a vision and a crucifixion of what is positive and negative.This artworks come like a medal with two sides with two and more meanings:
for example in one of these artworks you can see a planet being attacked from huge meteors and at the same time it seems like an egg insemination.
Light into the dark and darkness into the light.
I’m not adding more but I invite you to come and see by yourself and live the sensation this art will deliver to you.
Friday in date 14.11.2014 time 19.30 with the wish that you’ll enjoy this trip the best possible.
The exhibition will stay open to the public for 7 days until 21st november.



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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

ADAM EVALD 7|11| 2014

Sweden AdamTirana Ekspres has the pleasure to host ADAM EVALD in Tirana.

Adam Evald is a Swedish chamber pop musician, a singer, pianist, drummer and a composer who delivers memorable performances and creates great thrilling ambiance wherever he is entering the stage.

Currently he is travelling on his world tour and his Friday station will be Tirana Ekspres.

Time: 8:30 p.m.

Entrance: Free


Check his sound:
and website:

To be updated:

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

OVER 50´s dancing night 6 november

poster_from_postermywallTirana Ekspres welcomes all people over the age of 50 to dance to old classics while enjoying a glass of wine in good company.

The entrance fee per couple is 500Lek and includes a Raki or Wine.

The start will be at 8p.m.


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