Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

SOMEDAY video promotion 30 october

10616551_722687104491450_8855152334789798729_n” SOMEDAY ” – For The Sake Of Art.
A song and video written and produced by Janex, arranged by Gjergj Kacinari and directed by Donald Braho,Ergys Meta…Starring with the young actor of Academy of Arts Arbies Komoni and the young talented artist Edit Halili,in her first movie experience. This is more than a videosong,its kind of a short movie,and its the first song written and orchestrated by Janex. It illustrates freedom,a soul that requires eternal love … ; who dies hoping that Someday will be free! Impossible LOVE. Its about this poison that is injected to us everyday and which makes us die slowly every moment even more….

With no budget, no sponsor,only free will ,strong desire, excitement and a good team work spirit, it’s finally on something productive. One song,simple words, we wanted to make more vivid by giving it a certain shape and a symbolic meaning.
This is about collaboration .
This is to motivate young artists to work harder with no excuse!
Something simple ,something new ,something creative,some… SOMEDAY!
Come and collaborate ,come and support with your presence.
Feel free to ask questions
Thursday 30/10/2014, we share together experience,drinks,music,friends and much love!

Stay tuned:

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Coming Soon, Culture, Literature, Main Category, Movie, Music, Past Events, Theater, Visual Arts

THE OPENING 24 October

Tirana Ekspres has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the opening event of our cultural activity, at our central station. We value your presence as a precious contribution and support toward cultural institutions and art in the city.

We look forward to welcome you on October 24,2014, at 20:30

Trio Band (guitar, violin, cello)
Painting Exhibition
Performance (Metal T’20-26)
Dj (Electro ,DnB) (IT)

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Coming Soon, Culture, Literature, Main Category, Movie, Music, Theater, Visual Arts

Artists Wanted @ New Space of Tirana Ekspres

Artists WantedCommunity Art!

We are launching a call for young artists who would like to leave their colorful footprint on the walls of the New Tirana Ekspres.
Whoever has a creative idea and willing to share his Art with the community is welcomed to send a concept (image) to [email protected] by the 12th of October.

We will provide all materials needed for your ArtWork!

Some pictures will be published to offer you a better view of the workspace.

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts


21 contemporary pasts [21 contemporary pasts]

Photo exhibition by Arba Bekteshi
19-21 September  2014
Ex-museum of natural sciences (ish-Muezu i Shkencave të Natyrës),  Rruga e Kavajës

The artist during her anthropologic work and observations in Tirana, has engaged with development efforts, creation of topoi and the role of art in re-appropriating, regenerating and reviving public spaces, while challengeing dominating discourses of urbanization and present possible ways for resistance.
She takes to examine aspects of the continuing migration to Tirana, and the aesthetic imported and created as a way to communication in the 21-shi neighbourhood. The outside looks of older buildings and those of newer villas, as ways for residents to communicate with each other. The looks of older buildings and their windows translate as efforts of people to either accept development changes in Tirana, or refuse the presence of the new. The doors of new villas transpose in and engage the city and the viewer in a discourse about an aesthetic reminiscent of a certain familiarity migrating from the village, – a marginal ‘new rural’.

Tirana Ekspres and the artist collaborate on an urgency to form pro-active, open spaces for cultural engagement, while contextualizing an edifying city space. Both parties endeavor to engage the viewers with their community and make room for participation in art practices informed by social change.

Practical note:

+++ Due to safety reasons we recommend a visit by daylight. Please, whenever you enter the area/building: Mind your step and wear comfy shoes! Attandance at your own risk! +++

The exhibition will open on Friday 17.00pm. Snacks & wine will be waiting.
As it is more or less a public space, you can visit the exhibition during the weekend at any time!

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Music, Past Events

7th August @ ATLANTID: Film screening & DJ set (Filip Mestrovic)

7 gushtThis Thursday, August 7th @ ATLANTID beach:
We have the special occasion to host Filip Meštrović (Croatia) with his documentary about the Croatian alternative/indie-rock band PUNČKE.


Punčke Film [TRAILER] from Filip Meštrović on Vimeo.
More info:

As well, Filip will play a DJ Set featuring some nice electronic summer sounds.

Preview on soundcloud:

Reserve your tents online:

Find your ride:

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


all eaglesALL EAGLES FEST – World Music Festival | 6-7-8 June 2014 | Backyard of National Museum

Entrance free!

All details, programm & pictures here:

all eagles program

All Eagles is essentially a world music festival with a strong drive in promoting diversity within equality. Apart representative music from each country, which stands for the core pillar of the event, it also points out respective cultural aspects from the world.
The main idea is to hold a 3-day music event initially confined to and with a feasible focus on foreign embassies in Albania. While ethnic music from each country will be on the centre of the attention, contemporary adaptations and inter-genre fusions will be encouraged, as long as the very ethnic root of performances remains intact.


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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


EFFA 2014 Events @ Tirana Ekspres:
Saturday, 17.5., 18.00: EXHIBITION OPENING
Sunday, 18.5., 18.00: Film screening BELO MONTE
Monday, 19.5., 18.00: Film screening LOST RIVERS
Wednesday, 21.5., 18.00: Film screening BIG BOYS GONE BANANAS
Thursday, 22.5., 15.00: WORKSHOP Environment & Film
Friday, 23.5., 18.00: Film screening THE PIPE
Saturday, 24.5., 20.30: CLOSING & AWARDS CEREMONY + CONCERT

Cinema has an important role in educating, raising awareness and informing, at the same time as entertaining. The Environmental Film Festival -holds and defends the idea that “the right to environment is the right for everyone”, a common good that has a great relevance and importance for our life and that of the planet we live in. Ecology, culture, economics, migrations, wars, the destruction of forests and social issues, amongst many many others, are the essence of why this festival is created by aiming to share and exchange common and future concerns.


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts


Come join us for the Handmade Bazaar on Thursday, May 22 at Tirana Ekspres, starting from 19.00.
For everyone who appreciates the unique,creative and colorful work.

Please feel free to shop in hand, exchange and learn !

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts


posttraumaArjan Serjanaj / Exhibition / Opening 15 May 2014, 6:00 PM  @ Tirana Ekspres

The Albanian society nowadays faces a traumatized collective memory by the developments of its contemporary history.
“Postum Trauma” in its pathological definition is known as “Post-traumatic stress disorder”. In general, this disease affects individuals who undergo an experience of shock. Some of the symptoms subjects suffer from are: phobia, suicidal thinking, supression of memories, depression.

This exhibition tackles the topic through two video installations with four integrated works.
It is on display daily from 15-22nd May, daily 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Sundays are closed.

About the artist:
Arjan Serjanaj was born in 1982 Tirana / Albania. He graduated 2002 in Visual Arts at Jordan Misja, Artistic Lyceum in Tirana / Albania; completed his Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts in 2009 & MA Degree Visual Arts in 2012 in Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna / Italy.
Currently he lives and works in Tirana.

The artist embraces all the mediums which give the opportunity to express his research: painting, sculpture, installation, video, audio. In general, his work can be characterized by an existentialist state, political, psychological, and social.

Arjan is sensible in particular to the social and democratic processes in Albania, including the traumas of Albanian transition as they have affected his life thus his artistic production.

Arjan Serjanaj was involved in exhibitions such as “Artists in residence – Bando SI, Colateral Arte Fiera, Bologna / Italy”, “TransZinxhir – Galeria FAP, Tirana / Albania”, “Idromeno Price – Galery of Arts Shkoder / Albania” and “First International Award – Arte Laguna, Veneto / Italy”.

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