Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


modern times13th May, 19:30: Modern Times (by Charlie Chaplin, 87 min)

America in 40s. Chaplin as a factory worker, who struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. The film is a comment on the desperate employment and fiscal conditions many people faced during the Great Depression.



It is estimated that an average employee spends 14 % of his life at work, which is quite an impressive result. It might be a good reason to reflect and to celebrate International Workers’ Day a bit longer… That’s why we are announcing May as a Month of Labour! Chosen movies are related to the issues of work with all its efforts, scarification and  frustration. Don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow… And don’t miss our Movie Nights !

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

EXHIBITION – The tradtions of the Northern Mountains

Exhibition opening: The traditions of the Northern Mountains – Thursday 8th May 2014, 19.30 @ Tirana Ekspres:
In the era of globalization where technology and culture are constantly influenced by computers and digital media, it is important to occasionally have a look back to the roots since today’s culture is built on strong foundations of the past.
The exhibition “The traditions of the Northern Mountains” aims at promoting ethno-cultural heritage of Albania’s northern areas, bringing a bit of life that northerners living means, such as tools, papers and crafts, or folk costumes.
You are invited to an evening where perennial exhibition facilities will naturally intertwine with discussions, poetry books and authors to the area, accompanied by the sweet sounds of flute .
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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

PHOTO EXHIBITION – The forgotten station

Photo exhibition opening “THE FORGOTTEN STATION” – Thursday, 1st May 2014, 19.00 @ Tirana Ekspres!  Exhibition will be on display until May 8th.

Once the most important means of transportation in the country -for all people regardless their social background- today the train is a good opportunity to travel the poverty-stricken people out of poverty.
Tiranas train station, that actually doesn’t exist anymore,  is completely disconnected from todays reality and dynamics of the capital.

For the majority of residents the train is no means of transport.

If  you are curious about how life was back in the days -in the trains, on the railways, at the station: Come and see this exhibition!

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


que viva mexicoMovie Nights in May: LABOUR

It is estimated that an average employee spends 14 % of his life at work, which is quite an impressive result. It might be a good reason to reflect and to celebrate International Workers’ Day a bit longer… That’s why we are announcing May as a Month of Labour! Chosen movies are related to the issues of work with all its efforts, scarification and  frustration. Don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow… And don’t miss our Movie Nights !

 Tuesday, 6th of May, 19:00: ¡Que Viva Mexico! (by Sergei Eisenstein, 90 min)

Sergei Eisenstein was a Russian avant-garde director, fascinated by Mexican socialist revolution.  In 1930, he started an epic film project, which was supposed to be a great portrait of Mexican culture, history and transformation. The project was stopped due to the financial problems of the production company.


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events


!!! EVERY Wednesday afternoon @ Tirana Ekspres/ Stacioni No. 1 !!!

Multilanguages cafe is the new project of Tirana Ekspres.
Tirana Ekspres as the only one alternative environment in Tirana in promoting young artists and culture in general, and not only, as an inclusive organization for encouraging and supporting communities to undertake concrete initiatives in changing the quality of life in general, now launches a new program, an alternative one and useful as well for young Albanians.
Multilanguages cafe is an initiative that is based on the direct practice of one or more languages at the same time, it focuses on informal learning and as a basis discussions, debates, role play or exchanges between national and international Institutions.
This practice is based on the format of European Universities for foreign languages students, where each one is free to contribute, to take or to give as much as he/she wants to improve their personal level of a foreign language.
Everyone is welcome to join in one of the language’s table:
Or to feel absolutely free to express desire for another language who wishes to practice it long hours that we will be together.

The benefits of this program are many, among other things are:
• Improve communication of one or more foreign languages, different from mother tongue
• Change the mindset and break various social prejudices especially linguistics
• Working with various alternative techniques of contemporary theoretical and academic
• To Incentive and motivate people to develop future programs and ideas
• Improve the quality and quantity of knowledge
• Potential possibility to be productive with New methods and to have more social networks to express yourselves
• To work in groups and have opportunity to establish good interpersonal intercourse
• Promoting cultural diversity , ethnic , linguistic and religious diversity in society
• Promoting the values and traditions to have a society with accepting and open to variability

The aim of the program is, to come to the aid to all those who wish to practice a foreign language, as the best alternative of learning based on informal education, or learning by doing . This program will be offered from Tirana Ekspres for every Wednesday from 4 to 6 PM.

For more information or for further questions, everyone is welcome to contact us, my email is [email protected] aslo Bruno and Andri are every day to Tirana Ekspres ( Infront of Parliament at the same building with FRD )

You are welcome to practice together, our Goal is, to improve together.

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

Performance & Exhibition opening: COMMUNICATIONS – CONTAMINATION

poster rosa didonna_new“Communications – contamination “
Exhibition and peformance by
Rosa Didonna & Catia Cavone (Italy)
Vernissage : April 19th – 18.00hrs
During the vernissage the performance “Art is my second skin, La Sibilla Zana Albania” by Dr Rosa Didonna will be realized!
Exhibition is on dispaly until April 22nd!

Art has no borders, no boundaries, nor language, nor condition, but it unites all peoples of the world. And it is a universal act of freedom- with the passion and the love that unites us in brotherhood. Communications – contamination as a bridge across the sea of art in its myriad diversity, which is able not only to integrate with the context, but to give it new and expanded visibility.
The exhibition will raise questions about relationships, it will awaken attention and communication on the ‘ primary objective of the exhibition to enhance the universal creativity.
Rosa Didonnas performance “Art is my second skin, La Sibilla Zana Albania” will invite everybody to join spring in a playful manner.
Based on the myth of Sibyl, the artist is creating a story that will involve the viewer in ancient rituals, including pain, passion and love. Rosa Didonna eventually wants to highlight that today’s society is in need of mutual cooperation among human beings. She communicates with her art and contaminates the site that hosts their own culture and tradition, through the life of the local inhabitants.

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events


folk jazz 2This friday eventually again and with some new tunes: Albanian Folk Jazz Quartet. Concert.
11/04/2014 at 21:30 hrs.

Friday evening the rhythms of beautiful Albanian music will accompany. Don’t miss the unique performance of some newcomer Albanian musicians who will interpret some of the most original Albanian tunes in a jazzy manner! Not to be missed!


Graduate students of the Academy of Arts perform live. They are very good instrumentalists, who have dedicated years of their life to music. For the first time @ Tirana Ekspres!

Entry: 200 lek.
(this is a contribution to the artists!)
Warm welcome!

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Culture, Main Category, Movie, Past Events


concequences of loveTuesday, 22nd April 2014, 19.30: The consequences of love (by Paolo Sorrentino, 100 min)

Titta di Girolamo is an introverted man who lives in a Hotel in Lugano (Switzerland) since almost ten years. He ignores everyone and seems to have no emotions. His life changes completely when he finds himself attracted to a young bar-maid working at the hotel.



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