On March 16, TE'Galeria opened the solidarity exhibition "Buy a painting for an education 2". The proceeds of this charity event helped children in need to buy school supplies and clothes. This exhibition was open from March 16 to 20.
The two-day painting workshop was conducted by about 20 children of different ages. Their creations were presented in the exhibition held on TE' Galeria's premises. People from different professions, who supported the cause, participated in this exhibition.
This year we decided to cooperate with the organization "Autism Speaks", an organization whose main goal is to empower people with disabilities, born or acquired, with the aim of fulfilling and respecting their rights.
In addition to others, the exhibition also presented some works by some children with disorders on the autism spectrum. In this exhibition, part of the paintings was presented in the framework of International Autism Awareness Day. These were presented on April 3 at the premises of Destil Creative Hub.
A large part of the paintings was sold. All the proceeds that were collected went to children in need.
We thank the "Autism Speaks" organization, parents, children, well-wishers and all the supporters of the cause who participated.