Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

MIMESIS – Exhibition by Frederic Beaugeard 17 january

Dear Friends,

MIMESIS is the name of a exhibition that we will welcome, starting from the 17th of January, in the space of Tirana Ekspres.

The creator of the shown works is Frederic Beaugeard, a french teacher and artist living in Albania: “This exhibit shows ligne claire graphic novel style drawings with collages depicting some Asian features. Each composition is an independent image from a surrealistic inspiration, and part of a not yet written story in perpetual process by automatic drawing technique.
It is, in fact, the spiritual quest of a generic character with a bowler hat lost in a delirious world, where he has to confront as much his own phantasms as those of an enigmatic power. Leaving a city, he will cross deserts, jungles and limbos, climb mountains or fly; travel through past and science-fiction, and even his own story. It’s an intuitive production before
acknowledging the philosophical theory of consciousness of J-W Dunne and A. Huxley. This
exhibit is from an exclusively playful personal work starting twenty years ago, which only came to light in Korea in 2002, in Kuwait in 2006, and later in 2011 in Illinois, USA.” – Frederic Beaugeard.



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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events, Visual Arts

‘Taste of freedom’ by Artan Karoli & Dont Surrender (Fr) live – 9 january

Dear Friends,

this friday, the 9th of January we will open our doors for a great picture-exhibition, initiated by Artan Karoli. For the musical part of the evening the french band called “Dont Surrender” will take care! With their performance they are actually touring through Europe and stopping in Tirana Ekspres for another live concert.

Start of the exhibition 7pm, the concert 8.30pm!

About the Exhibition:

“Taking inspiration from the international theme of this IDAHOT (International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia) the group of PINK Embassy activists thought to hold an exhibition where through amateur and professional pictures to show the experience of Albanian people while putting in practice the rights of expression and assembly. The pictures have been taken during moments of demonstrations, manifestations and other events across Albania and countries of the region. Curated by the young artist Artan Karoli, the exhibition displays 20 pictures from demonstrations for the rights of women, children, LGBTI people, the environment, animals, political rights etc.”

About the Band “Dont Surrender”:

A group consisting of two guys from France, but never played there. They collect their experience and sound on the road, while making a roadtrip through Europe. On the way to Greece they will stop on Tirana for e exclusive live concert at Tirana Ekspres.



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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

CHIARA PATRONELLA live – 10 january

Our friend from Italy, Chiara Patronella, is coming back to Albania! It is a pleasure for us to welcome her another time at Tirana Ekspres after two fantastic concerts in 2014.
This time she is going to perform solo and mostly her own written songs, so be excited and join us saturday the 10th of January at 9pm at Tirana Ekspres!


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

OVER 50´s – dancing night 8 january

Dear Friends,

Over 50´s third edition 8|1|15

Tirana Ekspres welcomes all people over the age of 50 to dance to old classics while enjoying a glass of wine in good company.
Doors open at 20:00 pm

The dancing night will take place every first thursday in the month.

See you on the dancefloor! 


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

CLASSIC NIGHT – concert 18 december

Dear Friends,

this evening we would like to invite you to enjoy some beautiful classical music performed by Aida Hani, a great violinist. The solo concert will start at 8pm and it would be a pleasure for us to welcome you here at Tirana Ekspres.


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

Exhibition – Igli Marion 12 december

Friday the 12th of december we welcome Igli Marion at Tirana Ekspres.

Igli is going to exhibit his paintings for one week starting friday at 7 pm, his work will be visible untill the 19th.

In his paintings he is not following one strict concept, he is experimenting with different materials and colours accoring to his source of inspiration.

,,I have different inspirations, mythology, history, human emotions,
memories, and different techniques, watercolour, acrylic, oil
painting. Sometimes i get inspired by chaos or the opposite, how do
people feel in very regular and organized structures, The colors i use
also differ from one painting to another but the narration is also
present. Through the keys of symbolism there is always narration.” – Igli Marion

The cover painting is called “Sfinksi” (40 to 30cm) and is a mix of acrilic and water colour.

See you in Tirana Ekspres!


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Culture, Main Category, Past Events

FIND YOUR GEMS – Encouragement exercises 20 december

Dear Friends,

on Saturday the 20th of december at 3pm we would like to invite you for a training with Martha Otto and the topic of SELF-ENCOURAGEMENT.
We have a limited number of participants! For all interested people, please give us a short response to:

[email protected]

Please find the detailed program attached in this page.
The working language will be english. After a successful first training, the program will continue.

See you at Tirana Ekspres!

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

TIME WARP 20 december

Time WarpDear Friends,

Dreamgarden APC (Albanian Psychedelic Community) in close cooperation with Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) presents:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * TIME WARP * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A psychedelic experience through visual work art by the Dreamgarden team and also a exposition with UV paintings in canvas made from an explorer of truth Albanian artist.

Audio artists from Montenegro as special guests preforming for the first time in Albania will splash the colors of the paintings into the sounds that will rock the ground.

As we all know from previous shows, our best of friends and neighboring artists Psydorian is coming to enlighten us with the latest’s of his crystal sound.

The Albanian Psychedelic Community is represented with its creators Addejay and PiPi with a twirl sound on their hands, bringing the latest un-known and un-played tracks by one of worlds best psychedelic artists.

There is a lot to discover and to experience all together as everybody is welcome to enjoy this psychedelic journey into the gates of time.

Entrance 500Lek + FREE DRINK
Start at 22:00

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Deejays ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Adeejay (Dreamgarden APC) – Albania

PiPi (Dreamgarden APC) – Albania

Dj Bee (Pitch n Destroy) – Montenegro

Dj Zoo (Fractal Flower) – Montenegro

Psydorian (United Sound) – Macedonia

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

JAZZ CONCERT thu 11 december

Jazz Concert Poster 2Dear friends and Jazz-lovers,

on the 11th of december we are going to have a Jazz group at Tirana Ekspres and we would like to invite everybody to come and enjoy!

The group, called Albania Jazz Quartet, consists of the four great musicians Erion Medha (Drums), Sokol Sejdo (Saxophone Tenor), Red Dashi (Electric Guitar) and Angjelin Toma (Kontrabass & Electric Bass). Together they will spread their fine Jazz-vibes into the audience and for sure give every Jazz lover a bright smile when leaving home.

To cover our costs we have to demand an entrance fee of 300LEK per person.

We hope we are going to see you here at Tirana Ekspres on 11th december at 8pm.

How to find us: Zogu I Zi, Rruga Dritan Hoxha (Ex-Shkolla e Partise) follow the colourful lights!

Stay tuned:



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Culture, Main Category, Past Events

PA FOKUS – DHJETOR 10 december

Pa Fokus

Dear Friends,

this event will be in Albanian!

Pa fokus për muajin e Dhjetorit prek një pjesë të konvencionale të shoqërisë me një çështje e cila përbën në vetëvete një vijëzim ekzistencial shumë delikat, të tillë si çmendurinë dhe mënyrat e manifestimit të saj përmes protagonizmit. Duke dashur që të prekim sa më shumë fusha ndonjëherë dhe të paprekura më parë kishim dëshirë që këtë herë të merreshim më këtë. Debatet kudo në botën akademike vlojnë, më së shumti rreth çmendurisë dhe konstruktit të saj social. Kjo më së shumti sepse dallimi ynë nuk bëhet gjithnjë me ato specie më pak inteligjente se ne por dhe midis nesh ku inteligjenca është diçka relative e lidhur me vargojtë e përkufizimeve. Një herë e një kohë për fenomenet e depresioni, ankthit dhe shumë lloje të tjera të çmendurisë shkruanin më së tepërmi shkrimtarët, për ndrojtjen ndaj vëmëndjes, për nevojën për të jetuar në brëndësinë e një konstrukti social të mirëpërcaktuar dhe për të qënë një instrument i shoqërisë, përpjekja e vetme dhe vendimtare për të ndaluar këtë aktivitet sjell dhe përcaktimin e çmendurisë në vetëvete. E prej andej çdo gjë tjetër shtrohet në kontekstin e mundësisë, të qëllimit dhe lirisë. Liria e cila vjen prej mungesës së qëllimit në vetëvete. Qëllimi ynë ishte të prezantonim një Protagonist Obsesiv, një njeri që shkon drejt diçkaje dhe që medoemos kërkon idhtarë. Të tillë heronj kemi plot në jetën tonë, njerëz që na paraprijnë në dëshirat tona dhe përcaktojnë qëllimet tona ekzistenciale. Protagonistët veçse janë obsesiv, gati të ndukur në qëllimet e tyre kaotike për të vendosur, rregulluar rënduar në realitetin që i rrethon në mënyrë që ato të mbeten të pandryshueshme, të hartohen qëllimet.

Në takimin e rradhës megjithatë kemi dhe plot njoftime e aktivitete që më shumë se me revistën këtë herë kanë për synim të ju argëtojnë kështu që ftesa është e hapur.

Meqënëse Tirana Ekspres ka një ambjent të ri dhe jo shumë dinë për vendodhjen e saj, kemi vënë numrin e mëposhtëm në dispozicion për t’u orientuar. Lutemi që thirrjet të jenë vetëm për këtë arsye.

+355 69 6104 706

ora 19.00

To be updated:

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