Past Events


Tirana Ekspres invites you to contribute to the DREAM DREAMS project, to preserve lullabies together, as an important cultural heritage and as content important to the youngest generations for their more beautiful childhood. If you know a lullaby that is dear to you, that was sung to you as a child or that you sang it to your children, or you know someone from older generations who remember lullabies from old times, and you want it to enter the fund of preserved cultural heritage, please to send us a video or audio recording of the performance. Don’t be afraid of your singing, the richness you hide in your heart and memories is essential. If you do not have a Dictaphone, microphone and professional recording conditions, you can use your own and mobile phones. In this case, you need to shoot in silence and with enough light. In addition to the audio or video, send us: the name of the author of the lullaby, if known, the name of the person performing the lullaby, a short statement with a description of how you know the lullaby and where the lullaby comes from. You can send images up to 20 MB in size to the e-mail address: [email protected] and larger ones via Wetransfer to the same address.

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Theater

“The True West”

The True West is the story of two brothers who meet after 5 years at the home of a tire mother who has a holiday market in Alaska. Austin, the younger brother is a screenwriter and is working on a script that is very important for his career, while the older brother Lee disturbs the peace. The clash of Justice with extreme possibilities, jealousy, old grudges between the other person will bring a fierce conflict on stage and very interesting.


We invite you to watch the show at Tirana Ekspres, on Wednesday, at 21:00

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Past Events


On May 10, 2019 at Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana), the final exhibition of the ARTIVISM project was realized. In this exhibition was projected the documentation of the artistic works of contemporary artists Alketa Ramaj, Romeo Kodra, Ergin Zaloshnja, Sokol Peçi, Ani Muraku, Jorgjia Kallo, Ajet Rira.


– Opening of the exhibition (greeting words)

– Presentation of realized artistic works

– Announcement of the “MANIFESTO FOR ARTIVISM”

– Conversation with participating artists

“The purpose of ARTIVISM is to communicate through any possible form of artistic expression such as video, street art, posters, installations, performances, some critical attitudes that contemporary Albanian artists have for the perception of community members on the environments where they live, in order to turn them into actors of exerting civic pressure on local authorities. ARTIVISM aims to use art as a genuine tool of political protest, without doing politics, to bring about a radical socio-cultural change that goes in the direction of the wishes and expectations of the community. (Andi Tepelena, project manager)

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Past Events

Atlantid opening

opening 2016The Opening Season for Atlantid Beach

ATLANTID is the ideal destination for all of you who are tired from the city’s pollution and noise, and seek something special for your vacation. ATLANTID is a virgin beach in one of the most beautiful areas of Albania- calmness and peace, no buildings, no concrete, crystal clear water- pure beauty and inspiration!

We offer you unique accommodation facilities in our hand-made tents and refreshments at our bar and a couple of other activities. Come and join the magic of this place! White sands, live music around the fire place, cultural and sports activities are waiting for you!

Line UP
3 June
The Electric Blankets — Tru (Dj Set) — Air Bajko (NV)

4 June
Fatos Çeta (Ritmiko KS) — Jona (PMG Tirona) — Rasimsky

5 June
EdiOseSedi (Psy-Chill) — Psy Color (Psy-Chill) — Kill The Curator

Music Starts @ 18:00

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Culture, Environment, Main Category, Music, Past Events

Firstwave to Soundwave

11377265_852536934796115_4904620028380548662_nDear Friends,

we would like to welcome you to the season-opening of our beautiful ATLANTID Beach Camp! The weekend of 27th and 28th June is reserved for Kepi i Rodonit and should be marked red in your calendar! The opening holds a very special event for you: FIRSTWAVE to SOUNDWAVE. The waves will go from Kepi i Rodonit to Drymades Beach. This is a pre-event to the offical Soundwave Festival.


27th June Start: 19:00
MiniMim (Pepper On)
Leg off (Ks)
Dj Cuc (Tr)

28th June

Beach party
Tatu (Pepper On)
Uran B. (Ks)

The beach offers food and camping, music and drinks, paddeling, chill out, great people and a wonderful beach!



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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

Albanian Ethnic Jazz Concert

JAZZIn honor of the traditional music and the music of no boundaries, such as jazz music is!


Dear Friends,
a wondeful Jazz night is waiting for us! The Jazz Duo, consisting of Sokol Sejdo and Erjon Medha, is going to enlight our Friday evening the 15th of May. The group invites to the Black Box, University of Arts Tirana, where they will start their concert at 7:30pm.
With rythms, powerful and harmonic at the same time, out of the Albanian ethnic music-history, performed on saxophone and guitar, presented by Adela Mansaku Kokonozi and Ilir Kazaferi. These very professional musicians, know their instruments and genre, a duo that
should not be missed!
Tirana Ekspres warmly invites and recommends this concert!

Address: Black Box at the University of Arts, Tirana | on Friday, May 15th | 7:30pm | 

Come and join in for a great Jazz Session, you will leave home with a big smile and dancing feet!

See you there!


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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

Adam Evald & Chamber Ensemble

Adam Evald ConcertDear Friends and Supporters,

Friday the 8th of May is going to be a really nice one! We welcome great Adam Evald and his chamber ensemble from Sweden at Tirana Ekspres. The concert starts at 8pm and will take place in our garden. The support act AstroMike Gordon will open the show.
Adam Evald is passing by Tirana on his second world tour that he is traveling on, and it is pleasure for us to be the host in Albania.



Follow Adam Evald and explore his music:

Be our guest: Fr 8. May 2015, 8pm at Tirana Ekspres.



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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

Corner Space – 9th of May

Masha BenderpostDear Friends and Supporters,

we are proud to announce the photo-exhibition “Corner Space” by Masha Bender at Tirana Ekspres. For the first time exhibiting in Albania, Masha will present her works from 9th till 16th of May 2015. We invite you to join us on May the 9th at 6pm in the venue of Tirana Ekspres for the vernissage. Accompanied by a short musical performance by Adam Evald.
About the artist:
“Masha Bender is a young visual artist from St. Petersburg. She works on the edge of graphics, photography and video.
In her works Masha Bender is researching the end of the world from the point of view of the air.
Masha Bender is currently based in Berlin while exhibiting all over the world. Graduated The Academy of Arts in Berlin.
She claims that living in the era of postmodern having a sublime temper is quite hard; in spite of that she continuously struggles on achieving the most beauty possible.”

You are invited to join us 9th of May at 6pm in the space of Tirana Ekspres.

Stay updated:

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Culture, Main Category, Past Events, Visual Arts

Behind Facades & Geometric Trees -Exhibition by Daliah Ziper

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce the exhibition of Daliah Ziper, a photographer from Germany. The exhibition will take place in an old and empty building on Rruga e Durresit, close to the Ministry of the Environment, on Friday the 10th of April at 6pm.

Through her photos, Daliah Ziper is reflecting upon the city of Tirana. Her observations take up a subject that is continuously presenting in her works: visibility and visualization. A motif and state of mind that from her point of view runs like a common thread throughout the city.

Kind regards,
Tirana Ekspres Team

This exhibition is a collaboration between Tirana Ekspres, Daliah Ziper and supported by the German Embassy.

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Culture, Main Category, Music, Past Events

JAZZ Concert – February 19, Thursday

Dear Friends and Supporters,

the beautiful Jazz vibes are coming back to Tirana Ekspres! And we would like to invite you for this celebration on Thursday, the 19th of February, at 9pm. Be with us and share a warm evening with pure Jazz music at its best.
We are going to open the stage for this Quartet: Angjelin Toma on the Bass, Elton Harapi on the Drums, Xhesika Pollo for the Vocals and Lek Spathari on the Piano and the Trumpet. They will arrange a sound for us which makes our legs swinging and dancing, and our face smiling for the rest of the week!

You are welcome!


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